Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Singles 50+ Social Club Welcomes New Members
Are you over 50, widowed, divorced, separated or never married? Do you spend too much time in front of the television or computer? Are you tired of, or not interested in bars? Are you looking for social activities geared to you as an unattached single?
We offer activities and outings for everyone: cards, dancing, a walking group, coffee nights, movie nights, dinners at a variety of restaurants, day trips, an annual picnic, etc. If you don't see anything that catches your interest, suggestions and new ideas are always welcome!
Our breakfast buffet/meeting is held every Saturday at 10am (doors open 9:30am) at Legion Branch 143, 1570 Marentette, Windsor. Cost is $9 per meeting attended (includes breakfast), and you will receive a calendar of the current month’s activities. See us on Facebook at Singles 50+ Social Club, Windsor On.