Community Event - Quinte - Plant Sale & Silent Auction, Saturday, May 18

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1716037200 1716060660

The Friends financially support the Glanmore National Historic Site’s conservation, preservation, and restoration of artefacts and assist with large and small restoration projects through fundraising efforts.  Our plant sale (9 a.m. to noon) will have many beautiful perennials and annuals for your garden or balcony.  Artistic works created by Glanmore’s talented volunteers will be up for silent auction (10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.), as well.

Glanmore National Historic Site
257 Bridge Street East
K8N 1P4

Community Event - Sarnia - Pasta Night, Wyoming Lions Hall, May 24 from 5-7

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1716584400 1716591600

Wyoming Lioness Lions Presents Pasta Night

When: Friday, May 24, 2024

Time: 5:00 pm – 7 pm

Cost: $20, Kids 10 yrs and under $10

Where: Wyoming Lions Hall, 554 Main Street, Wyoming

We will be serving lasagna, sausage penne, ham tortellini, caesar salad, garlic bread and dessert.

Cash bar will be open for refreshments.

Dine in or take out.

Contact Dawn Wakefield: 519-381-9787 or Sheri Butler: 519-709-4489 for tickets

Wyoming Lions Hall
554 Main Street
N0N 1T0

Public Notices/Announcements - Sarnia - Marie Wilson, Author of North of Nowhere

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1716746400 1716753600

Please join us at The Book Keeper on Sunday, May 26 for author, Marie Wilson. Marie will be discussing her new book, North of Nowhere: Song of a Truth and Reconciliation Commissioner.
Marie will also be accompanied by her husband, Stephen Kakfwi, the former premier of the Northwest Territories and author of Stoneface: A Defiant Dene.

DR. MARIE WILSON (CM, ONWT, MSC) spent six years crisscrossing the country as a commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. She has spoken throughout North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand on the potential of reconciliation. Born in Ontario, she has lived, studied, and worked as a journalist, teacher, professor, trainer, and executive in Canada, France, Burkina Faso, South Africa, and parts of South America. She lives in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Wilson spent her childhood living in Petrolia and Sarnia, before attending university in London, ON.

North of Nowhere is the incomparable first-hand account of the historic Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada told by one of the commissioners who led it.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established to record the previously hidden history of more than a century of forced residential schooling for Indigenous children. Marie Wilson helped lead that work as one of just three commissioners. With the skills of a journalist, the heart of a mother and grandmother, and the insights of a life as the spouse of a residential school survivor, Commissioner Wilson guides readers through her years witnessing survivor testimony across the country, providing her unique perspective on the personal toll and enduring public value of the commission. In this unparalleled account, she honours the voices of survivors who have called Canada to attention, determined to heal, reclaim, and thrive.
Part vital public documentary, part probing memoir, North of Nowhere breathes fresh air into the possibilities of reconciliation amid the persistent legacy of residential schools. It is a call to everyone to view the important and continuing work of reconciliation not as an obligation but as a gift.

Nora Sanders will be in conversation with Marie that day as a moderator.
Nora Sanders grew up in Union and after beginning her professional life practising law in St. Thomas, had a career that included several roles in the Northwest Territories Department of Justice, chairing a new province wide police complaints board in Ontario, serving as the first Deputy Minister of Justice in the new territory of Nunavut, moving to the role of Deputy Minister of the newly formed Department of First Nations and Metis Relations in Saskatchewan, and ending her working life as the General Secretary of the United Church of Canada. The United Church was one of the churches that operated residential schools, and one of the parties to the settlement agreement that led to the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and Nora had a leadership role in the church’s engagement with the Commission and in the church’s fulfillment of its commitments under the agreement.
In 2002 Nora received the John Tait Award of Excellence from the Canadian Bar Association in recognition of her contributions to the legal profession in the public sector. Nora’s volunteer life has included refugee support work in the United Church, terms on the boards of the YWCA in St. Thomas and Yellowknife, and currently, the board of Family and Children’s Services of St. Thomas-Elgin, and the executive of the St. Thomas branch of the Canadian Federation of University Women.

This is a free event in the store and open to all.

Community Event - Cornwall - Summer Arts Camp - Acting, Music, Art, Film Making

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1717300800 1717387140

For 34 years children have gathered at a special camp to use their imagination and to shine. Dream Maker Productions is offering a unique chance to do just that with: Acting classes that get your child to shine as they play through fun scripts and improv/theatre games. They will use these skills not only on the stage but in the classroom and in life. Our Music program covers a wide range of music. Kids will even film and perform in a music video! Our Art program is unlike any other. Everything from drawings to unique paintings. They will also get to experience the wonderful world of food art, where they get to design their own dessert that will be a work of art! On different days we will be centering our activities around different themes. A Harry Potter day, Super Hero Day, A Sports day, A Favourite Book or TV character……………

On the last day, all will take part in a showcase for family and friends. These showcases filled with comedy and music are always a favourite.

Being that the camp is taking place at the Cornwall Civic Complex, there will be a full array of outdoor activities to give the youngsters a chance to get some exercise and play some fun games in Lamoureux Park and the splash pad. There will also be the opportunity to go swimming in the Aquatic Centre in the afternoon if the kids would like to.

DATES: July 2 to 5th (Tuesday to Friday)

($100 for the week)

July 8 to 12th (Monday to Friday

($125 for the week)

TIMES: 9 to 4:00 p.m. (doors open at 8:00 a.m. for early drop off

AGES: 7 to teens

LOCATION: Cornwall Civic Complex

To get more information or to register call (613) 932-3510 or at

Our page

Cornwall Civic Complex
100 Water St. E
K6H 6G4