Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - 2nd Annual Habitat for Humanity Charity Golf

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559361600 1559447940

This is the golf tournament you definitely do not want to miss! June 1st at Links of Kent. 
Every golfer is guaranteed a beautiful prize along with 18 holes of golf with a cart, lunch, steak dinner, participation in our ultimate registration party, and the chance to win one of many prizes at our sponsored holes. All of this for just $110.00 per person, and with tickets over 40% sold out already you don’t want to wait.

Our ultimate registration party will kick off at 11am with Bayside as our drink sponsor and Neighbourhood Social will provide the lunch. There will also be life size beer pong and live music.

Register Online:

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Spring Concert - Pembroke Community Choir Apr 14th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555282800 1555288200

On Palm Sunday, join the Pembroke Community Choir at 7 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Church for some meaningful Easter music. The choir performs Welsh composer Sir Karl Jenkins' Stabat Mater, featuring alto soloist Danielle Vaillancourt and a full orchestra. The text reflects on the suffering of Mary, mother of Jesus, at the time of the Crucifixion and Jenkins' poignant composition is beautifully melodic and allows the voices of the 70-member choir to soar. Sir Karl Jenkins is the world's most performed living composer.

TICKETS: Advance tickets $15 available until April 12 from choir members, Pembroke Mall office, and Fleurish (formerly Kevin’s Flowers) in Petawawa.  Students 13 and under free.  If still available, tickets will be $20 at the door. 

Our Lady of Lourdes Church
280 Lourdesview Drive
K8A 2G4

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Invitation aux cyclistes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555542000 1555546500

Le Club Vélozone de Nicolet reprend ses activités le 17 avril pour la 27e année.  Tous les amateurs de vélo sont invités à se joindre à nous pour la saison 2019 afin de profiter de belles randonnées organisées dans un cadre sécuritaire.

Encore une fois cette année, des randonnées de jour et de soirée sont au programme à tous les mercredis ainsi que plusieurs, la fin de semaine.  Notre première sortie au calendrier aura lieu samedi le 27 avril prochain.

Que vous soyez débutants, intermédiaires ou experts, nous avons des circuits pour vous.  Vous pouvez consulter notre site Internet à l’adresse pour avoir plus d’information ou communiquer avec la responsable des randonnées au 819-293-9390.

Nous vous attendons en grand nombre à la soirée d’inscription qui aura lieu le mercredi 17 avril 2019 à 19 h AU SOUS-SOL, porte de côté, DU CENTRE COMMUNAUTAIRE, LE RENDEZ-VOUS situé au 160, rue DU FRÈRE-DOMINIQUE à NICOLET, entre l’aréna et l’école Curé-Brassard.

Sous-sol du Centre communautaire, Le Rendez-vous
160, rue Du Frère-Dominique
J3T 1K6

Événement communautaire - Thetford Mines - Centre Marial St-Frédéric

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561176000 1561262340

Le Centre Marial St-Frédéric fêtera son 30e anniversaire d'existence.

les 21-22-23 juin 2019

21: prières, animation musicale, témoignage

22: pèlerinage (beau temps mauvais temps), souper

23 messe et conclusion du triduum.

Information 418 397-6247 

Suivez-nous Facebook !

Community Event - Belleville - 1000 Islands Writers Festival Reading By The River

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556292600 1556328600
1556371800 1556415000
1556463600 1556501400

1000 Islands Writers Festival - April 26-28, 2019

Enjoy a weekend of readings, workshops, conversations, art exhibits and more at the 1000 Islands Writers Festival, a celebration of storytelling through words, music and art!

Now in its fifth year, the 1000 Islands Writers Festival takes place April 25-28, 2019 in Gananoque, Ontario and brings together the very best Canadian authors and artists including:

Festival Patron Terry Fallis 
Kenneth Paul Cooper
Lesley Crewe 
Deborah Dunleavy 
Erika Behrish Elce
Kristen Den Hartog
Emma Hooper 
Tracy Kasboski
Lindy Mechefske 
Andrew Queen & the Campfire Crew
Elizabeth Renzetti
Jennifer Robson
Heather Smith
Marisa Stapley
Eric Walters

To register please call the Thousand Islands Playhouse at 613-382-7020  or visit them at 185 South Street Gananoque Ontarioor purchase online at or email your completed registration form to

For more information visit our website at: or or phone 613-382-2436

1000 Islands Playhouse Firehall Theatre is one of the venues that also include Gananoque Public Library, Gananoque Boat Museum, Arthur Child Museum and local B&Bs
100 Park Street
K7G 2Y5

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Spring Music for Handbells at TCS

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554760800 1554764400

Mon. Apr. 8, 6pm. The TCS Johnson Handbell Ringers will perform a variety of popular music arranged for handbells. Free admission, all are welcome.

The Memorial Chapel, Trinity College School
140 Ward Street
Port Hope