Community Event - Niagara - Public Forum: Advanced Care Planning

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556575200 1556580600

Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region is hosting a Public Forum: Advanced Care Planning, on Monday, April 29, 2019, at 6pm at #1 - 403 Ontario St., St. Catharines. All welcome, free of charge. Speaker is Sarah Putman, Manager of Education. Respite services available, please call the office to discuss eligibility. Register today by calling 905-687-3914.

Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region
#1 - 403 Ontario Street
L2N 1L5
St. Catharines

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - LA CLÉ DE L’AMITIÉ DÉJEUNER

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554782400 1554868740

Déjeuner le dimanche 14 avril à 9h30 au Mondo Resto-Bar au 120 rue des Forges, 2e étage, TR. Sorties le samedi 20 avril à 14h30 à la salle de Quilles Biermans Shawinigan suivi d'un souper à la Casa Grec de Shawinigan à 18 h. Covoiturage. Informations 819 376-4868. Facebook : groupes/la clé de l'amitié


Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Portrait Photography Workshop Port Hope Public Lib

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556384400 1556388000

Basic digital portrait photography at the Mary J. Benson Branch
With Professional Photographer Nicolette Jakab
Maximum of 10 participants
Bring your own DSLR camera, lighting supplied!
Email Lisa O’Leary at to reserve your spot!

Port Hope Public Library Mary J. Benson Branch
31 Queen Street
L1A 2Y8
Port Hope Ontario

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Cultural Lecture Series

Submitted by cdanby on
1553486400 1553572740
1555992000 1556078340

March 26th Cultural Lecture Series will begin for the Spring-2019 session. This will be a 6-week program called “The Best Of Italy” where the Caboto Club will be exploring the UNESCO World Heritage Sites Of Italy.

From the Pile dwellings in The Alps, south to Val di Noto in Sicily and across the sea to Barumini in Sardegna, we will discuss these places of significant importance to cultural and natural heritage. Despite the country’s small size in comparison to the rest of the world, Italy has the most World Heritage Sites at 54.

Each World Hertiage Site Of Italy lecture, will be presented once again by Andy & Donna Moro. This dynamic couple will share their knowledge, starting with the Northern region March 26th continue with the Central region April.9th and conclude with the Southern & Insular regions, April 23rd

As part of this lecture series, we are also offering a special detailed travelogue segment you won’t want to miss called “Sulle Strade d’Italia” “On The Roads Of Italy”. This will feature some exciting information where we will discuss some lesser-known gems as we take you on a road trip vacation throughout the same three regions. 

Have you ever thought about a vacation to Italy but are just not sure of what to do, where to go, or how to plan it? Presenter Giuliano Lunardi will discusses the Northern region, April 2nd . Stefano Nicola continues the travels for the Central region April 16th and Alex Sorrentino closes the lecture series April 30th with the Southern region.

Admittance is free and there is a pizza special for attendees – Make it a Group Event! Help us to preserve and promote Italian culture – please share this with ALL your friends via email and/or social media.

Thank you for your past, present & future support - Mille Grazie

All presentations are every Tuesday from 7-9pm and for additional info, feel free to contact the Giovanni Caboto Club Italian Culture Lecture Series committee at 519-252-8383

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Poetry With Friends

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556386200 1556389800

On Saturday, April 27, the Friends of the Brockville Public Library are featuring three individuals at 1:30 p.m., to present their written work. At this event, the public will meet author Heather Cadsby, Standing in a Flock of Connections, Lois Lorimer, Stripmall Subversive and storyteller Lara Margaret Marjerrison. Free admission with books available for purchase.

Brockville Public Library
23 Buell Street
K6V 5T7

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Church of the Ascension Good Friday Fish Fry

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554091200 1554177540

1385 University Ave. W, Windsor.-Apr. 19th, 4-6 pm. Perch dinner with fresh cut fries, coleslaw or Pan Fried Basa with rice or fries, steamed vegetables or coleslaw.        Price: Adults $13, kids(under 10) $7. Take out available, call the office to place your order 519-256-4341

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - 9th Annual Leamington Chamber Golf Tournament

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1557936000 1557961200

The Chamber Cup will be held on Wednesday, May 15 at Erie Shores Golf and Country Club with a 12pm shotgun start followed by a dinner with door prizes and the winning team will be revealed and receive a prize as well! To register your team or become a sponsor, contact the Leamington District Chamber of Commerce at 519-326-2721 or visit