Public Notices/Announcements - Kingston - A Celebration of National Fiddling Day in Canada
Come join with St Luke's Fiddle Group as they celebrate National Fiddling Day, Saturday May 18th, 2024 from 2 to 4pm at St Luke's Anglican Church, 236 Nelson Street, Kingston, Ontario
Open to all to come to listen or play.
Good Will offering
Light refreshments
Information Contact reelman@liveca.
Community Event - Muskoka - Launch of a New Men's SHED, May 27th, 1:30 pm
Calling all MEN 45 and over.
Bracebridge Centre for Active Living is bringing a Men's SHED to town.
This program is totally run by its members and can form in many different ways:
Building and teaching projects, socializing, coffee and chats and much more...
It's a new concept for Muskoka. For more information on this unique Men's social club please R.S.V.P to 705-645-9111 to attend the launch and reception on Monday May 27th at 1:30 pm.
Check it out at
Community Event - Niagara - Garage and Plant Sale at Good Shepherd Church
The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd will be hosting a Garage and Plant Sale on May 25th, 8AM-noon. We will have a donation bin for Project Share, please bring a canned good!
Community Event - Niagara - Solo Diner Meet & Eat Dinner Thurs. May 16th 5:30
Why eat out alone? Socialize with other solo diners in a group in a room just for us, Thursday, May 16th, 5:30 at the Mandarin Restaurant St Catharines. All ages regardless of marital status welcomed. It's no one's business but your own why you are a solo diner. Order off the menu or enjoy the buffet. Seniors 65+ with id get 20% off the buffet price. Great food and conversations were enjoyed during the first five solo diner events. See local newspapers for an article about solo diner meet and eat. Reserve with Carol Parker at least by the day before the event at Can't make dinner, then save June 6th at noon for lunch at the same place.
Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - It's Smile Cookie Week until May 5th!
It's Smile Cookie Week until May 5th!
100% of proceeds from Smile Cookies purchased from Tim Horton's in Burlington will support the Burlington Food Bank.
Community Event - Cornwall - Rock and Roll Dance
Army Navy Air Force Club 14 Marlborough Street. Dance to Radio Nova, Friday June 7th starting at 8pm. Info: 613-938-5020.
Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Pie Sale on Main Street in Athens
Friday, June 28th at 4 pm. Pick up a pie, for the long weekend, made by Athens United Church members.
Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Adrain Country Music Concert with Harry & Cheryl
Athens United Church on Sunday, June 23 at 1 pm. $25 (children 5 and under free) at the church office at 613 924 2175 or the door. The hall is accessible.