Community Event - North Bay - Old Dinosaurs, New Science

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After many years of travelling and teaching about the amazing world of dinosaurs, expert Tim Jeffries embarks on his final Ontario tour before moving to Drumheller, Alberta. In this final lecture we explore the newest science that is happening in Paleontology in a fun and interactive way. Old Dinosaurs, New Science, continues the tradition of passion and entertainment on a subject that is beloved by all ages. As even though dinosaurs died 66 million years ago. The study and science of paleontology has never been more important than now. With the sixth extinction upon us, we must learn what these amazing creatures can teach us. With new technology we discover more each day, which not only helps us understand our past but also benefits us to save our future.

Ages 6+

Tickets MUST be bought at the Children's Department.

Tickets are $3.00 Per person. 

North Bay Public Library
271 Worthington St. E
P1B 1H1
North Bay, ON Canada