Public Announcement - North Bay - Marina Point's 5th Annual Senoirs Health Fair

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509642000 1509651000

Marina Point will be hosting their 5th Annual Seniors Health Fair on Thursday, November 2 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Over 20 booths are involved including specialists in hearing, podiatry and orthotics. There will be free blood pressure and hand waxing clinics, as well as snacks, refreshments, giveaways and prize draws. Check it out at Marina Point at 225 Oak Street West.

Événement communautaire - Laurentides - Ouvroir de St-Sauveur

Submitted by cfournier on
1547096400 1547182740
1548306000 1548392340

Prochaines ventes: les jeudis 1er, 10 et 24 janvier 2019. Pour les meubles, de 7 h 30 à 12 h 30. Pour la boutique, de 8 h 30 à 16 h. Adresse: 382, rue Principale, St-Sauveur. Téléphone 450 227-1445.

Tous les profits sont versées à des organismes à but non lucratif de la région.


Ouvroir de St-Sauveur
382, rue Principales
J0R 1R0