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Burlington MPP Natalie Pierre Discusses Last Month's Election
It was just a month ago that Ontario went to the polls for the provincial election on February 27th and the city of Burlington had one of the closest races in the province with incumbent Natalie Pierre of the Progressive Conservatives squeaking out a victory over Liberal candidate Andrea Grebenc by only 39 votes. Jason Agnew got the chance to chat with MPP Pierre and started the conversation asking if she was surprised by how tight a race it ended up being?
Halton Healthcare's New Cryoablation System
Halton Healthcare has shared a new technology at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, allowing patients to have surgical procedure that's even less invasive than laparoscopic surgery, right here in Halton. Nikki Wesley explains.
Joseph Brant Hospital's Paint The Town Event
The need for mental health and addictions services in Halton continues to grow and so does the need for improvements in the mental health and addictions unit at Joseph Brant Hospital. The foundation is getting closer to its 20-million dollar fundraising goal in their "for all minds" campaign, the annual "paint the town" event helped push in that direction.
Thomas Morley's Community Skate Park
Skateboarding has always been about more than just the sport. it's about the people who make it happen. For years, Thomas Morley sold skateboards out of a truck. Now, he's built a place where skaters can gather, learn and ride--rain or shine, and it's about more than just tricks. It's about community. Doug Glazebrook has the story.
Jason Agnew's Interview With Julie Cole
All indications are that new Prime Minister Mark Carney will officially call an election as of this Sunday... and since we're already in the midst of a trade war with the United States, politics has never been on the mind and the tips of peoples tongues more than it is today. So with that in mind, your kids may be hearing a thing or two in the home and see things on social media, so when and how do you talk to your kids about the ever more divisive world of politics? For that answer we turn to our parenting pundit Julie Cole.
8th Annual Interfaith Dinner Hosted by Milton Muslim Moms
In North Halton, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs all broke bread at the 8th annual Interfaith Dinner, hosted by Milton Muslim Moms who began the tradition as a way to start meaningful conversations.
Burlington Green Spring Cleaning
It's the first day of spring, and as many of us start to think about doing some spring cleaning around our homes, we should also keep in mind that this is the perfect time to spring clean around our neighbourhoods as well. Jessica Kaitting reports
The Orbit Robotics Team's Out of School Program
Embarking on its 10th-anniversary season, the Orbit Robotics Team is finding success with a program outside of the school-based model. Instead, it's community-based, which means the team can attract students from any school, city or town, to strengthen its roster. A trend which is gaining popularity, according to the team's lead mentor.
Glen Eden Spring Discount
While tomorrow marks the first official day of spring and many are excited about the warmer temperatures, you may want to wait one last weekend before storing away all your winter sporting gear. Jessica Kaitting was at Glen Eden this morning to check on the conditions.
Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward Subject to Smear Campaign
Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward has been subject to an online smear campaign. In a post from an anonymous propaganda account on instagram, the Mayor has been accused of blatant racism. The post also prompts users to sign a petition, and thus divulge their private information in doing so. Jason Agnew got the Mayor's reaction to this post and these accusations in our weekly update.
Burlington's Thursday Music Night
Thursday nights just got a little more musical in Burlington, and if you're an aspiring singer/songwriter this could be your opportunity to get up on stage... Ainsley Soeterick has details.
Jason Agnew's Interview With Milton Mayor Gord Krantz
The trade war with the United States continues to be the hot news topic at any level of government, so in Jason Agnew's monthly update yesterday with Milton Mayor Gord Krantz he asked if Krantz has ever seen anything like this in his 60-years of government service.