Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Dougall Avenue Lane Reduction

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1561381200 1561410000
1561467600 1561496400
1561554000 1561582800
1561640400 1561669200
1561726800 1561755600

Dougall Avenue will be reduced to one lane between Ouellette Place and South Cameron Boulevard for exploratory work as part of the Dougall Avenue/CN Rail Underpass and Multi-Use Trail Project. Monday, June 24 to Friday, June 28, daily from 9am to 5pm.

Événement communautaire - Laurentides - Spectacle de la St-Jean!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561138200 1561147200

Venez faire la fête avec nous et le band des St-Jean Batteux vendredi le 21 juin à 13h30!

Musique LIVE, 100% québecois!

Venez vous amusez et rencontrer du bon monde au Café Communautaire l'Entre-Gens, le café des gens!

Café Communautaire l'Entre-Gens
1006 rue Valiquette
Ste. Adèle

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Median Grass Cutting on E.C. Row Expressway

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1560744000 1560830340

City of Windsor Parks Staff will be cutting grass along the EC Row Expressway starting Monday, June 17.

The centre median, the roadside shoulders as well as on-and-off ramps will all be worked on.

Crews will begin at 7am Monday at Huron Church road and progress east. During morning rush hour work will be confined to the shoulder of the road so traffic isn’t impeded but during the other hours, some rolling lane restrictions will be in effect.

The work will last until 3pm each day and depending on weather, could last up to three weeks.

Motorists are asked to use extra caution and slow down when seeing workers near the roadways.

Événement communautaire - Laurentides - Ma Rolland, Mon Village

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560864600 1560873600

Venez rencontrer Johanne Mercier, la réalisatrice du documentaire Ma Rolland, Mon Village, pour un échange enrichissant sur notre patrimoine et tout autre thème que vous souhaitez aborder avec elle après le visionnement du film.

9h30, mardi 18 juillet

au Café communautaire l'Entre-Gens

1006 rue Valiquette à Ste-Adèle


Café Communautaire l'Entre-Gens
1006 rue Valiquette
Ste. Adèle

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Adult Day Programs in Lindsay

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562070600 1562095800
1562157000 1562182200
1562675400 1562700600
1562761800 1562787000
1563280200 1563305400
1563366600 1563391800
1563885000 1563910200
1563971400 1563996600
1564489800 1564515000
1564576200 1564601400

(Tuesdays, Wednesdays – Excluding holidays)  – Adult Day program offered by Community Care, for dementia-specific clients, at Jennings Creek Christian Reformed Church (206 Angeline St. N., Lindsay), 8:30 3:30 p.m.  Call 705-324-7323 for details or to book a spot.

Jennings Creek Christian Reformed Church
206 Angeline St. N.
K9V 4Y4