Community Event - Sarnia - Garage and Bake Sale
Come join us on Saturday, June 15 from 8:30 - noon and find your next treasure or purchase some delicious fresh baked goods! This event is located in the lower level of the Masonic Hall, 245 Essex St. in Sarnia. Items include plants, toys, books, household items, yummy baked goods and men’s clothing sizes L and XL. Something for everyone!
Community Event - Sarnia - Wed. Jun 26 - Strawberry Social - Dunlop United
Old fashioned Strawberry Social with fresh hand picked local berries.
Adults $7.00 for Shortcake, coffee/tea or juice.
Rain of Shine - Accessible - everyone welcome
Also available for purchase hot dogs, hamburgers and pop.
Plus a bake sale table!
Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Seniors Day Trade Show
On Monday, June 10, the City will host its Seniors Day Trade Show and Forum, taking place at the Dunlop Drive Older Adult Centre, 80 Dunlop Dr. The free annual event includes an older adults forum from 9-10 a.m., led by Mayor Walter Sendzik, followed by the trade show from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The trade show will feature about 50 vendors, including health care agencies, social organizations, retirement residences, financial advisors, fitness groups and more. The City will also be promoting a variety of its programs. There will be door prizes and free take-away information. The City will also host a special Coffee Break event in support of Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region, with 2019 honourary chair Jim Bradley, Niagara Regional Chair.
Community Event - Niagara - Molina-Lagunas Studio Student Recital
Join students from Molina-Lagunas Studio as they perform their end of year piano and cello recital. All ages.
Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Seniors Young at Heart Annual BBQ
Join us for our Annual BBQ, 'Celebrate Canada'
Thursday, June 27 at 12 Noon
Tickets in advance $10
Highway Church, 800 Stewart Blvd
Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - St. John's Anglican Church Strawberry Fair
Wednesday June 19th at St. John's Anglican Church, 99 Brock St. Come and enjoy Strawberries, Cake and Ice Cream. Tickets available at the door are $7 for adults, $4 for children 5-10, under 5 is free. There will be Craft tables, Home Baking, a Silent auction, Jewelery, Books and Treasurers 'n Trivia. Afternoon sitting is from 2-4 pm with John Earnshaw on the piano. The evening sitting is from 6-8 pm with the Peterborough Concert Band from 7-8 pm. Event goes rain or shine.
Community Event - Niagara - Niagara Music Gives Fundraiser Sat. June 22nd
Niagara Music Gives returns for the 5th year at Polonia Park in NOTL on Saturday June 22nd. This event is FREE with donations at the gate to support the Music Gives Movement to support local kids to learn music. There will be Zippy Zoom inflatables, live entertainment, food and drinks as well. Come one Come all