Community Event - Belleville - Song Sung Blue: The Neil Diamond Story
This audience-interactive performance stars the amazing Will Chambers, who captures the look, voice and excitement of Neil Diamond. His performance chronicles Diamond's amazing career, from his earliest hits as a songwriter to this musical peak in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
There will also be a Pre-Show Buffet Dinner (optional) which starts at 6pm. Your 4-course meal includes: roast beef and another entrée choice, appetizers, salads, potatoes, vegetables and dessert. Coffee and tea is included. Cash bar.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Pre Show meal at 6pm $25 plus HST
Members $38, Seniors $40 and Non-Members $42 plus HST
Please visit or call 613-395-2100, TF 1-877-312-1162 for tickets.