Community Event - North Bay - The Warriors of Hope Dragon Annual Garage Sale
This annual event is an important fundraiser for the Warriors of a Hope A Breast Cancer Survivor Dragon Boat Racing Team.
This annual event is an important fundraiser for the Warriors of a Hope A Breast Cancer Survivor Dragon Boat Racing Team.
Le Club de l’Age d’Or le Rocher, 337 - 5e Avenue, Shawinigan, secteur Grand-Mère, vous invite mardi le 28 mai au Bingo à 13 h 30. Bienvenue à tous. Pour information : 819 538-4888.
Every Friday, 3-8pm, enjoy a sumptuous fish dinner of Perch, Pickerel or Halibut with choice of potato, coleslaw and roll for $13 plus tax. Everyone welcome 519-253-1834.
Just in time for Father's Day! St Cyril's Slovak Center 1520 Chandler Rd at Seminole, Sunday, June 9th from 9:30am-3pm.
We have something for everyone, over 35 vendors including local small business owners and unique local Artisans being showcased... crafts, jewelry, health and beauty, home goods, baked goods. Refreshments and light lunch available. Come check us out on Facebook,
Admission is free and plenty of free parking!
Souper bénéfice du Groupe Scout Cathédrale-Volcan, le samedi 1er juin à 17h30 au Centre Aquatique (850 rueTurcot. Musique rires, prix de présence. Table de 8: 160 $ ou adulte: 25$, 4 à 12 ans: 10$, 3 ans et moins gratuit Les fonds serviront à rénover le local et à rajeunir le matériel de camp.
Info : 450 773-2351.
Plant Sale - the North Bay Horticultural Society annual plant sale will be held on Saturday, June 1st from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at 1225 Cassells Street (St. Brice's Church) near King Street. Set up and drop off donated plants on Friday, May 31st from 2 to 6. Sales are brisk so come early. Everybody welcome.
The Bank Theatre and Meeting Place is pleased to present Dale's Friday Coffee House - 11th Season 91st show! Hosted by Dale Butler & Jan Hall of Folk Roots Radio with Jan Hall, Friday, May 31, 2019.
***Knox Hall - Knox Presbyterian Church
58 Erie St. S. Leamington ***
Admission - Pass the hat
Doors 6:30 pm Show 7:00 pm
Bob Boyle
Robert Stark
Leah Morise
Ken Dunn with Anna Green
The Twelve Tones
Peter F Light
David Lum
Dale Butler
#onthe42 #DFCH #TheBankTheatre
A Children's Musical written & composed by Barry Bergen
Produced by Faith Mennonite Church, The Bank Theatre & Community Volunteers
Friday May 24 - 7pm and Sunday May 26 - 10:30am
Faith Mennonite Church, 269 Sherk St., Leamington
Admission by donation
Faith Mennonite Church in partnership with The Bank Theatre and community volunteers is pleased to present For Such a Time As This: An Esther Story on Friday May 24 at 7pm and Sunday May 26 at 10:30am at Faith Mennonite Church.
"Faith Mennonite Church is very excited to partner with TBT and Barry Bergen once again. The Esther story is not an easy one.
Barry has taken a deep look into this story and brought his unique brand of lighthearted wit to a script that will make you laugh and make you think." Sara Garnet
Writer and composer Barry Bergen said, "The biblical story of Esther touches on two themes which are front and centre in our world today. Esther is obviously a woman in what was then a decidedly man's world. She is also a member of a minority. She moves from a very precarious position in life, to one that seems quite powerful-- a queen. Yet as queen she realizes that she is still quite powerless-- both as a woman and as a member of a minority. Esther's faith and her ability to play the political games of the day save her and her people. Trying to bring this to life in a children's play was a challenge and also a lot of fun."
Barbara Martens of The Bank Theatre remarked that “The Bank Theatre is delighted with this partnership with Faith Mennonite Church, which began three years ago. Barry Bergen has composed yet another insightful, fun musical for kids from the larger community to sing and act in. This is exactly what The Bank Theatre aims to do: encourage the performing arts in our local community.”
Admission to the musical is by donation and doors open 30 minutes before performance. Faith Mennonite Church is located at 269 Sherk Street in Leamington.
For more information visit and
Connaissez-vous Al-Anon? Votre vie a-t-elle été affectée par la consommation d’une autre personne? Croyez-vous que personne ne peut comprendre ce que vous ressentez ? Alors, venez nous rencontrer le mercredi soir, au 66 rue du Marché (salle des œuvres) à Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, de 19 h à 20 h 30. Le groupe du débutant (A la porte du bonheur) ! Pour info : 450 371-2519
Enjoy our Annual Garage, Plant & Bake Sale, with treasures for everyone!
“All You Care To Buy” and more!
Indoor browsing, so come shopping with a smile, rain or shine!
Refreshments are available: hot dogs/pop/muffins/coffee & more, to re-energize your day.
The church is at 6784 Camlachie Rd at New Lakeshore Road, just 6 Km east of Mandaumin Rd, across from Sawmill Creek Golf Resort.
The church is fully accessible and fragrance free!