Community Event - Sarnia - Twin Bridges NPLC Yoga for Adults June 4-25@ 5:30p
A free mixed-level yoga program that includes a combination of seated and standing postures. We ask that you bring your own mat.
A free mixed-level yoga program that includes a combination of seated and standing postures. We ask that you bring your own mat.
Rubidge Retirment is having a Yard Sale on June 1st 8am until 12 noon.
Everything must go
ALL Proceeds are being donated to the Peterborough Alzheimer Society.
Dont miss out on finding a great deal and donating to a great cause!
A free bootcamp-style fitness class with each session including cardiovascular, strength and flexibility components. Please consult your Primary Care Provider before participating.
A free yoga program for individuals looking to stretch and unwind. Each class runs for 45 minutes and would be suitable for both beginner and intermediate levels. We ask that you bring your own mat.
A free yoga program suitable for most. Classes include a combination of seated and standing postures with modifications made to include the chair. Please only register for one class time.
A free yoga program that would be suitable for most abilities. Classes are a combination of seated and standing postures with modifications to include the chair for additional support. Different class times are available.
Mozart's famous villain, Don Giovanni will take the Pentastar Theatre stage at the Capitol on May 22 and 23rd. The Windsor Symphony Youth Orchestra, alongside members of the WSO and Young Artists of Abridged Opera will bring the classic Don Juan tale to life!
Wednesday, May 22nd at 7:30 PM
Thursday, May 23rd at 7:30 PM
Capitol Theatre Windsor
Tickets $25
Student/Senior $15
Kids $5
Available online by visiting
Conductor, Daniel Wiley
Director, Erika Downie
Don Giovanni (Don Juan - the villain), Jorge Trabanco
Leporello (his side kick), Anthony Rodrigues
Donna Anna (a woman looking for revenge), Kaitlyn Clifford
Don Ottavio (her fiance), Philip Klaassen
Donna Elvira (Don G's scorned wife), Alyssa Epp
Zerlina (Don G's conquest - at her wedding), Brianna DeSantis
Masetto (The disgruntled groom), Jake Flynn
Commendatore (Anna's slain father/statue bringing retribution), A SURPRISE!
Le samedi 25 mai de 7 h à 15 h.
Rallye des bonnes causes !
Sous la présidence d’honneur de M. François Bélisle
Vente de garage à Pointe-du-Lac (stationnement de la bibliothèque)
Portes ouvertes au Moulin seigneurial, à l’école d’art équestre Beauvallon, chez GO BOXE 3R
et rallye découverte par Plein Air Ville Joie sur le site de la vente de garage et à la bibliothèque Simone-L. Roy de Pointe-du-Lac!
Casse-croûte sur place
Information : 819 377-3309
Intersection of Campbell Avenue and College Avenue will be closed for sewer, road and water main rehabilitation from Tuesday, May 21 to Saturday, May 25.