Community Event - Niagara - Niagara Symphony's Masterworks 7: A Wild Ride!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558290600 1558297800

Dizzying plot twists, wildly improbable characters, vocal fireworks, gripping melodrama and hilarious comedy - that's opera, Italian style! Favourites by Verdi, Puccini and Donizetti are presented by the NSO with glorious soloists, Chorus Niagara and the Chorus Niagara Children's Choir. Don't miss this bravura, never-to-be-forgotten extravaganza of operatic highlights! 

Partridge Hall, FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre
250 St. Paul Street
L2R 3M2
St. Catharines

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Soirée Coffee House

Submitted by cdanby on
1557115200 1557201540
1557460800 1557547140

The Tecumseh Cultural & Arts Advisory Committee, in partnership with École secondaire catholique l’Essor invites you to a Soirée Coffee House.

What is a Soirée Coffee House?

A celebration of talent that provides local artists of all ages with the opportunity to share their stage talents with the community in a coffee house setting. The event will feature artists from a variety of musical backgrounds including: bands, solo vocalists, acoustic performers and other performances. The Program with a list of performances will be made available on the Town’s website.

When is the Soirée Coffee House?

The event is on Friday, May 10, 2019 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm.

Where is the Soirée Coffee House?

This event is being held at École secondaire catholique l’Essor in the Tecumseh - l’Essor Arts Centre, located at 13605 St. Gregory’s Road.

Admission is free. The public is invited to join in what is promised to be an entertaining evening!

Information on this and all Town of Tecumseh news and events is available at, Twitter (@TownofTecumseh), and Facebook (Town of Tecumseh).

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Mothers Day Tea for Bernadette McCann House

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557604800 1557612000

Join us for an afternoon high tea to celebrate mothers and to raise money for Bernadette McCann House. Tickets are $40 (cash or cheque only) and include a full high tea (same menu as the Mother's Day event without the champagne), a ballot for a draw for a trip to Cuba, and a donation to BMH. A silent auction will be available at the event. Prizes will be awarded for best dressed so bust out the hats and fascinators to help celebrate mom! Tickets can be purchased at Grey Gables Inn (cash or cheque only). Capacity is limited so please purchase tickets in advance.    

Grey Gables Inn
353 Mackay Street
K8A 1C8

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor West Indian Association Presents...

Submitted by cdanby on
1557115200 1557201540
1557374400 1557460740
1557979200 1558065540
1558584000 1558670340
1559188800 1559275140

Thursday Social Hour on May 9, 16, 23 & 30 at the Caribbean Centre from It's an opportunity to socialize with each other, play games, do puzzles! Have a light snack and drink a cup of tea or coffee. A chance to meet other people and build new friendships. Everyone welcome at the Caribbean Centre, 2410 Central Avenue. For info call, 519-945-0213

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Emergency Preparedness Week 2019

Submitted by cdanby on
1557115200 1557201540
1557547200 1557633540

Emergency Preparedness Week (EP Week) is a federal/provincial/territorial initiative that promotes emergency preparedness across Canada. This year, EP Week runs from May 5-11, and the provincial theme for Ontario is, “Are You Ready?”

Windsor’s Emergency Preparedness Guide is available online. This guide outlines three basic steps that will help residents and their loved ones to be prepared during an emergency: make a plan, build a kit, and stay informed.

Emergencies are usually not foreseeable, but it only takes a few minutes for your family to prepare an emergency plan in preparation. Having a plan in place will save time and make real situations less stressful. Building an emergency kit is critical to your plan, as it will help you and your family stay safe until emergency responders can reach you. Personalize your kit to suit the needs of you and your family.

In an emergency, stay informed by following @WindsorFire1 and @CityWindsorON on Twitter for important updates, if possible.

Emergency Management Windsor will participate in activities throughout the EP Week this year to promote the theme of readiness where you can enter to win an emergency preparedness kit. Highlights include:

  • Fire Prevention Officers educating Grade 5 students throughout the City of Windsor
  • Emergency Management Windsor booth at the Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre at 401 Pitt St W, Windsor, ON N9A 0B2 on                          Saturday May 4 from 10-1pm.
  • Emergency Management Windsor booth at 400 City Hall Square East on Tuesday May 7 from 11:30am – 1:30pm.
  • Emergency Management Windsor booth at the Home Depot located at 6630 Tecumseh Rd E, Windsor, ON N8T 1E6 on Tuesday May 7 from 5 – 7pm.
  • Emergency Management Windsor booth at Lowes Home Improvement at 1848 Provincial Rd, Windsor, ON N8W 5W3 on Thursday May 9 from 5 – 7pm.
  • Learn more about emergency preparedness in Windsor at Learn more about national preparedness initiatives at

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - 3rd Annual Diversity Day

Submitted by cdanby on
1563940800 1564027140
1566619200 1566705540

On Saturday 24th August, Windsor Police Windsor Fire & Rescue, New Beginnings and others will host the 3rd Annual Diversity Day celebrations. The public is invited. Lots of free events, food and giveaways. 11am - 2pm. Law Enforcement, various services on hand to promote and greet the public.

Diversity Day Celebration on Saturday 24th August from 11am - 2pm at Wigle Park on Erie St at McDougall Ave.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Korda Productions - Mother Courage & Her Children

Submitted by cdanby on
1557115200 1557201540
1558843200 1558929540

Korda Artistic Productions, for the first time ever in Windsor, Bertolt Brecht’s* masterpiece MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN in a new translation by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Tony Kushner (Angels in America).

Mother Courage and Her Children brims over with the coarse, the common, the profane, the profound, the comic and the tragic… all the stuff that life is made of. Brecht wants us to feel, but only if we combine feeling with thinking.

Is Mother Courage an anti-war play or a call to arms? Come see the show and we’ll talk!

The production runs MAY 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25 AT 8:00PM and MAY 19 AND 26 AT 2:00PM at The KordaZone Theatre, 2520 Seminole Street in Windsor, ON. Tickets are $20 for General Admission (and online pre-sales), $15 for Seniors, and $10 for Students. Tickets are available at the door or in advance at Eventbrite, Juniper Books and The Nancy Johns Gallery and Framing, or by calling 519-252-2041.

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Muffin Party - Northminster United Church

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557581400 1557630000

Northminster United Church.  Sunset Bv. May 11th 9:30 to 11.  $4.00 ticket for coffee and muffins.  Items for sale are Meat Pies, Soup, Geraniums, Baking and other plants.  Wheelchair accessible.

Northminster United Church
300 Sunset Blvd.
K9H 5L3