Événement communautaire - Mauricie - La clé de l'amitié

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557667800 1557675000
1558209600 1558224000

Déjeuner le dimanche 12 mai à 9 h 30 au Resto bar Mondo, 120 rue des Forges à Trois-Rivières. 

Le 18 mai à 16 h au restaurant Normandin, 4300 des Récollets, conférence gratuite sur le bien-être par Réjean Boisclair suivi du souper à 18 h.

Confirmez votre présence le 12 mai avant 21 h au 819 373-9835.


Resto bar le Mondo
120, rue des Forges, 2e étage

Community Event - Chatham - RentSmart - Landlord Course

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558791000 1558801800
1560601800 1560616200

Tenants want a safe, suitable and affordable home to rent. Landlords want tenants to pay rent on time and be a good neighbour. RentSmart is an innovative education program that offers education to tenants and landlords with one goal: Successful Tenancies. RentSmart is offered through a unique partnership; 'Tenant' courses are offered by the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and 'Landlord' courses are offered by the Chatham-Kent Landlord Association. Courses are offered most months 

The first public Landlord course is being offered May 25, 2019 preregistration is required. Contact chathamkentlandlordassoc@gmial.com

Chatham-Kent Library
120 Queen Street
N7M 2G6

Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Quinte Amateur Radio Club meets Wed. May 15, 2019

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557961200 1557970200

The next meeting of the Quinte Amateur Radio Club will be on
Wed. May 15, 2019, 7pm, Loyalist College, Pioneer Building,
Room P13. Eric VA3EP will be giving a presentation on work
done on VE3TJU and APRS. Everyone welcome. For more
information see WWW.QARC.ON.CA

Community Event - Belleville - Runway to Wellness Fashion Show on May 5th

Submitted by awerkhoven on
1557079200 1557086400

Kick of Mental Health Awareness Week with this dazzling fashion show being put on by The Dressing Room in Rossmore to benifit the Canadian Mental Health Association for Hastings and Prince Edward.

Tickets are $25 and available at The CMHA, The Dressing Room and online at www.eventbrite.ca/e/runway-to-wellness-tickets-57705155674


Avaya Building
250 Sidney Street
K8P 5L6