Community Event - Niagara - 45th Annual CFUW St Catharines House Tour - May 5

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557072000 1557090000

Tour 4 beautiful historic homes around Montebello Park, plus 1 elegant home in Port Dalhousie. Stop for refreshments at St. Thomas' Anglican Church. All proceeds support scholarships for young women in Niagara and charities helping local women & children

Downtown St Catharines & Port Dalhousie
99 Ontario Street
L2R 5J6
St. Catharines

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Pétanque St-Joseph

Submitted by jcloutier on
1557352800 1557363600

Début des tournois de pétanque, le mercredi 8 mai aux Loisirs St-Joseph, 950 rue Desranleau.

Inscriptions entre 18h et 19h, au coût de 2$.

Informations: Roger Lussier, 450 252-3101.

Loisirs St-Joseph,
950 rue Desranleau

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Public Information Centre for Walk Wheel Windsor

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1556539200 1556568000

Safe and Healthy Streets Pop-Up Event on Monday, April 29 from 8am to 4pm at Vincent Massey Secondary School, 1800 Liberty Street.

The Active Transportation Master Plan will set the foundation for developing well-connected, attractive active transportation networks that are safe, convenient and user-friendly, no matter what mode of transportation people use.

The final Active Transportation Master Plan will include an implementable action plan that will guide investments in active transportation infrastructure and support programs over the short-, medium-, and long-term.

Input from Windsor residents and stakeholders is an important part of the Walk Wheel Windsor process. An online survey, available in interactive and accessible formats will also be used to gather feedback beginning April 29 through the project website,

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Public Information Centre for Walk Wheel Windsor

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1556460000 1556481600

Earth Day Pop-Up Event on Sunday, April 28 from 10am to 4pm at Malden Park, 4200 Malden Road.

The Active Transportation Master Plan will set the foundation for developing well-connected, attractive active transportation networks that are safe, convenient and user-friendly, no matter what mode of transportation people use.

The final Active Transportation Master Plan will include an implementable action plan that will guide investments in active transportation infrastructure and support programs over the short-, medium-, and long-term.

Input from Windsor residents and stakeholders is an important part of the Walk Wheel Windsor process. An online survey, available in interactive and accessible formats will also be used to gather feedback beginning April 29 through the project website,

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Public Information Centre for Walk Wheel Windsor

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1556373600 1556395200

Downtown Bike Lane Pop-Up Event on Saturday, April 27 from 10am to 4pm.

Goyeau Street from University Avenue to Riverside Drive and University Avenue – Goyeau Street to McDougall Street.

The Active Transportation Master Plan will set the foundation for developing well-connected, attractive active transportation networks that are safe, convenient and user-friendly, no matter what mode of transportation people use.

The final Active Transportation Master Plan will include an implementable action plan that will guide investments in active transportation infrastructure and support programs over the short-, medium-, and long-term.

Input from Windsor residents and stakeholders is an important part of the Walk Wheel Windsor process. An online survey, available in interactive and accessible formats will also be used to gather feedback beginning April 29 through the project website,


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557374400 1557460740

Thurs. May 9th at 1:00 pm March of Dimes, 3340 Schmon Pkwy, Unit 1E, Thorold, On.

Speaker, Brojan Supar, Post Polio Coordinator.

Niagara Post Polio Support Meeting
3340 Schmon Parkway, Unit 1E
Thorold, Ontario