Événement communautaire - Baie-Comeau - AU-DELÀ DES MURS

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557077400 1557086400

Pour une cinquième année, communautés religieuses, communautés nouvelles et presbytères ouvriront leurs portes le dimanche 5 mai pour accueillir tous ceux et celles qui sont intéressé(e)s à voir « au-delà des murs ».

Que deviennent ces communautés? Que retrouve-t-on dans un presbytère? Comment vivent ces femmes et ces hommes aujourd’hui? Quelle est leur histoire? Est-ce qu’il y a encore des personnes qui répondent « oui » à la vie consacrée?

Venez trouver les réponses à ces questions en visitant douze lieux répartis dans sept diocèses du Québec.

Que vous soyez seul(e), en groupe ou en famille, saisissez la chance de rencontrer ces personnes qui répondent « oui » à la vie consacrée.

Famille Myriam Beth'Léhem
105 boul. Lasalle
G4Z 1R7
Baie Comeau

Community Event - Belleville - Summer Fun at the Museum - Make Homemade Ice Cream

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563991200 1563998400
1566410400 1566417600

Bring the family to explore Glanmore National Historic Site and join our demonstrators for some old-fashioned fun.  Make and enjoy homemade ice cream using our old-fashioned churn.  Regular museum admission applies; Children must be accompanied by an adult. 

Glanmore National Historic Site
257 Bridge Street East

Community Event - Belleville - Summer Fun at the Museum - Play Garden Games

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562781600 1562788800
1565200800 1565208000

Bring the family to explore Glanmore National Historic Site and join our demonstrators for some old-fashioned fun.  Play historic outdoor garden games such as croquet, hoops, graces and stilt-walking! Regular museum admission applies; Children must be accompanied by an adult. 

Glanmore National Historic Site
257 Bridge Street East
K8N 1P4

Community Event - Belleville - International Museum Day Open House - May 18, 2019

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558198800 1558209600

Each year museums around the world offer free admission on International Museums Day. Join in this global movement by planning a trip to your local museum in honour of this special day.  The International Museums Day Open House at Glanmore National Historic Site, 257 Bridge Street East, Belleville, is a great opportunity to drop in for a visit. Admission is free. 

Glanmore National Historic Site
257 Bridge Street East
K8N 1P4

Community Event - Belleville - Mother's Day Tea and Tour

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557680400 1557694800

Treat Mom like a queen on her special day. Bring her to Glanmore National Historic Site for a lovely afternoon tea hosted by the Friends of Glanmore. Enjoy delicious tea sandwiches, scones with jam and sweets then explore the historic house with a guided tour. Tickets $25.00 per person. Choose between a 12:30 (sold out) or 3 pm seating.  Purchase tickets at https://quinte.snapd.com/ticketed-events

Glanmore National Historic Site
257 Bridge Street East

Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Flagg Road Closure - Morrisburg / Iroquois

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556251200 1556337540

Full closure of Flagg Rd is scheduled for May 3, 2019 until November 15, 2019.

Southbound Detour Route (D-1) - This closure will involve a detour which will re-route traffic onto Zeron Rd heading west. At the intersection of Zeron Rd and Brinston Rd, traffic will be routed south over the underpass. At the intersection of Brinston Rd and County Rd 2, traffic will be routed east leading to the end of the detour route at the intersection at County Rd 2 and Flagg Rd.

Northbound Detour Route (D-2) – Closure will re-route traffic west on County Rd 2 until the intersection of County Rd 2 and Brinston Rd. Traffic will be routed north of Brinston Rd until the intersection of Brinston Rd and Zeron Rd. Traffic will then be routed east on Zeron Rd leading to the end of the detour route at the intersection at Zeron Rd and Flagg Rd.

Public Notices/Announcements - Brockville/Prescott - Flagg Road Closure - Morrisburg / Iroquois

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556251200 1556337540

Full closure for Flagg Rd is scheduled for May 3, 2019 until November 15, 2019. 

Southbound Detour Route (D-1) - This closure will involve a detour which will re-route traffic onto Zeron Rd heading west. At the intersection of Zeron Rd and Brinston Rd, traffic will be routed south over the underpass. At the intersection of Brinston Rd and County Rd 2, traffic will be routed east leading to the end of the detour route at the intersection at County Rd 2 and Flagg Rd.

Northbound Detour Route (D-2) – Closure will re-route traffic west on County Rd 2 until the intersection of County Rd 2 and Brinston Rd. Traffic will be routed north of Brinston Rd until the intersection of Brinston Rd and Zeron Rd. Traffic will then be routed east on Zeron Rd leading to the end of the detour route at the intersection at Zeron Rd and Flagg Rd.

Public Notices/Announcements - Brockville/Prescott - Flagg Road Closure - Morrisburg / Iroquois

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556251200 1556337540

Full closure for Flagg Rd is scheduled for May 3, 2019 until November 15, 2019. 

Southbound Detour Route (D-1) - This closure will involve a detour which will re-route traffic onto Zeron Rd heading west. At the intersection of Zeron Rd and Brinston Rd, traffic will be routed south over the underpass. At the intersection of Brinston Rd and County Rd 2, traffic will be routed east leading to the end of the detour route at the intersection at County Rd 2 and Flagg Rd.

Northbound Detour Route (D-2) – Closure will re-route traffic west on County Rd 2 until the intersection of County Rd 2 and Brinston Rd. Traffic will be routed north of Brinston Rd until the intersection of Brinston Rd and Zeron Rd. Traffic will then be routed east on Zeron Rd leading to the end of the detour route at the intersection at Zeron Rd and Flagg Rd.

Community Event - Kingston - 15th Annual Kingston-Quinte Ride For Dad - May 25

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558783800 1558810800

The 15th annual Kingston-Quinte Telus Motorcycle Ride For Dad to raise money for Prostate Cancer Research takes place Saturday, May 25 at the Cataraqui Arena, 1030 Sunnyside Road, Kingston. Pre-registration Friday, May 24, 4-8 pm. Registration Saturday, May 25, 7:30 – 9 am. Ride leaves at 9:30 am and parades through downtown Kingston. To donate or participate go to www.ridefordad.ca/Kingston-Quinte

Catraqui Arena
1030 Sunnyside Road
K7L 4V4

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Kingston-Quinte Ride For Dad

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558783800 1558810800

The 15th annual Kingston-Quinte Telus Motorcycle Ride For Dad to raise money for Prostate Cancer Research takes place Saturday, May 25 at the Cataraqui Arena, 1030 Sunnyside Road, Kingston. Pre-registration Friday, May 24, 4-8 pm. Registration Saturday, May 25, 7:30 – 9 am. Ride leaves at 9:30 am and parades through downtown Kingston. To donate or participate go to www.ridefordad.ca/Kingston-Quinte

Cataraqui Arena
1030 Sunnyside Road
K7L 4V4