Community Event - Belleville - Hastings County Historical Society Annual Bus Tour

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558787400 1558819800
1559997000 1560029400

Hastings Count Historicl Society invites you to come along on a luxury Franklin touring coach for a day-long getaway on either Sat. May 25 or Sat. June 8 - Adventures in Loyalist Country - Highlights include visits to Old Hay Bay Church, the Town of Napanee historic sites including the Lennox and Addington Museum and Archives, the Village of Bath including a tour of the Fairfield-Gutzeit House, and tours of the Loyalist Landing site, the UEL Burial Grounds and the UEL Interpretation Centre at Adolphustown.  Your $70 ticket includes a delicious lunch, lots of fun and interesting information.  For tickets, call 613-961-7091.

Leaves from Franklin Coach Lines,
303 Bell Blvd, west of Sidney Street
K8P 5H3

Community Event - Cornwall - Bring on the SASS! Fashion Show

Submitted by grivierereid on
1556917200 1556931600

Friday, May 3rd from 5:00pm to 9:30pm.

Knights of Columbus Hall, 250 Amelia Street.

Tickets—$25, available at Echo Trends, Giroux Sewing Centre

or contact 613-550-0613


Knights of Columbus
205 Amelia Street
K6H 3P3

Community Event - Cornwall - Remembrance Run for Bereaved Families

Submitted by grivierereid on
1555779600 1555790400

Saturday, April 20th from 1pm - 4pm. 

6k Walk/Run from SLC Campus to RCAF Wing. 

Tickets: $5 or $20 Group of 5. 

Fill out a Memory Tag "I am running in Memory of..."

St. Lawrence College
2 St. Lawrence Drive
K6H 7K7

Community Event - North Bay - Mother's Day Tea

Submitted by jroussy on
1556982000 1556991000

Gloria Gardens Seniors Club (2475 Trout Lake Rd.)

Includes a bake table on Saturday, May 4 from 11am - 1:30pm

Adults $7 

Children 6-12 $3.50

Children 5-Under Free

Gloria Gardens Seniors Club
2475 Trout Lake Rd.
North Bay

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Association Fibromyalgie

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557786600 1557793800

Conférence gratuite - journée internationale de la Fibromyalgie, lundi le 13 mai à 18 h 30.

Invités : Aymeric Averlant, étudiant en 3e année au baccalauréat, ainsi que le Dr Cyril Schneider.

Endroit : 109, rue Brunelle, à Trois-Rivières. Inscription : 819 371-1458.

Association de la Fibromyalgie Mauricie/Centre-du-Québec
109, rue Brunelle

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Association Fibromyalgie

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557851400 1557855000

Aquaforme à Louiseville, mardi le 14 mai à 12 h 30.

Gratuit pour les membres.

Endroit : Centre aquatique Martine Masson, 160, rue St-Aimé à Louiseville.

Inscription : 819 371-1458.

Centre Aquatique Martine Masson
160, rue St-Aimé

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Tuesday Dinner Specials @ The Windsor Moose Lodge

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555300800 1555387140

Hard to beat a full plate of spaghetti with a tasty meat sauce with garlic toast for $4.50, Perogi dinner $5.75 or chicken/veal parmigiana $8. Full menu always available at 777 Tecumseh Road west. Details 519-253-1834.

windsor moose lodge 1499
777 tec rd w

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Association Fibromyalgie

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557336600 1557340200

Yoga adapté à Shawinigan, mercredi le 8 mai à 13 h 30.

Gratuit pour les membres.

Endroit : Yoga Sérénité, 560, Avenue Broadway à Shawinigan.

Inscription : 819 371-1458.

Yoga Sérénité
560, Avenue Broadway