Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Comic Book Day

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1555300800 1555387140
1556942400 1557028740

May the Fourth Be With You on Free Comic Book Day at Adventure Bay, Chimczuk Museum and Rogues Gallery

In a match made in comic book heaven, Free Comic Book Day and “May the Fourth Be With You” coincide this year on May 4, 2019. Adventure Bay Family Water Park Presented by WFCU Credit Union, Chimczuk Museum and Rogues Gallery Comics will all be in on the intergalactic action!

Comic enthusiasts, space invaders and heroes big and small are welcome, as Rogues Gallery celebrates its fourteenth Free Comic Book Day by teaming up with its neighbours, making this annual event another true community extravaganza.

Starting at 11am, comic enthusiasts can obtain free comics from Rogues, then visit Adventure Bay and Chimczuk Museum to pick up a couple more (while supplies last). Regular Saturday hours are in effect for the water park (10am to 8pm). Visitors can also enjoy free admission to the Chimczuk Museum throughout the day, along with superhero sketches, balloon animals and magic shows from 12-4pm.

To learn more about this year’s participating venues, please visit:

·         Adventure Bay Family Water Park. 401 Pitt Street West

·         Chimczuk Museum. 401 Riverside Drive West

·         Rogues Gallery Comics. 327 Chatham Street West

You can also join the fun and get the latest updates online via the FCBD 2019 Facebook event page, hosted by Rogues Gallery!

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - T2B - An Evening with Celebrity Chef

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1555300800 1555387140
1557460800 1557547140

Share an evening with David Rocco, the trailblazing international celebrity chef who breaks down cultural barriers by uniting people through the love of sharing a great meal.

David will be Mezzo's special guest for two nights.The television star and bestselling author will have his books available for purchase and signing. You don't want to miss this special night. Part of the proceeds will support Transition to Betterness.

May 9 & 10, 7:30pm at Mezzo. Tickets, $300 each. Contact: Limited availability.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Property Protection Open House

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1555300800 1555387140
1556078400 1556164740

The Town of Tecumseh is bringing together a number of local suppliers, contractors and service providers as part of an Open House aimed at helping residents understand how to protect their homes from weather events and pests.

The Open House will be held: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. l’Essor Secondary School 13605 St. Gregory’s Road, Tecumseh, ON

At the Open House, representatives from local basement waterproofing and plumbing contractors/suppliers, as well as Tecumseh Home Hardware will be available to provide information on how residents can protect their property. Members of the Public Works & Environmental Services Department will also be in attendance to answer questions about the Town’s response to flooding.

Local pest control service providers will also be available to provide advice on how to deter rodents and other wildlife. Representatives from the Building Department will be in attendance to respond to questions and provide advice on the Property Standards By-law, as well as how to report a property standards concern.

“We have had a number of questions over the years on how homeowners can protect their properties from flooding, rats and neighbourhood concerns,” said Gary McNamara, Mayor of Tecumseh. “While the Town has invested millions on flood prevention and implemented various by-laws to reduce the impact of urban wildlife, we are limited in what we can do on private property. By holding this Open House, we can bring local business experts to our residents to learn how to protect their properties.”

For more details on how to protect your home from flooding, please visit:

For details on how to deal with urban pests and what the Town’s by-laws are regarding property standards, please visit:

Information on this and all Town of Tecumseh news and events is available at, Twitter (@TownofTecumseh), and Facebook (

Community Event - Niagara - Beamsville Lions Club Monthly Breakfast Buffet

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1588078800 1588093200

Beamsville Lions All-You-Can-Eat Buffett Breakfast. Sunday April 28, 2019,

9 am until 1 pm. Adults $9.00, Children 6-12 Years $5.00, Children under 5 are free.

Pancakes, French Toast, Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Home Fries, Toast, Fruit cups, Coffee, Tea and Juice. 

Come join us at the Lincoln Centre, 4351 Central Ave, Beamsville. 

Beamsville and District Lions Club Fantastic Buffet
4351 Central Avenue
L0R 1B0
Beamsville, Ontario

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - EXPO VENTE SYMBIOSE DES ARTS

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556982000 1557003600
1557068400 1557090000

OÙ PEINTURE ET MÉTIERS D'ART S'UNISSENT! Les 4 et 5 mai, de 11 h à 17 h, à l'intérieur des grandes salles de Ville-Joie à Trois-Rivières, secteur Pointe-du-Lac.

L'entrée est gratuite pour tous alors venez rencontrer nos 44 artistes et artisans venus de partout au Québec. Tirage d'environ 40 oeuvres de qualité!!

Un bel événement à ne pas manquer.

Base de Plein Air ViIle-Joie (Ville-Joie St-Dominique),
11441 rue Notre-Dame Ouest,
G9B 6W5
Trois-Rivières, (Pointe du Lac),