Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - 2019 IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's

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Alzheimer Society of Chatham-Kent and IG Wealth Management reunite in the biggest fundraiser for Canadians with dementia. 

2019 IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's kicks off Saturday, June 8 at 9:30 A.M. at the Downtown Chatham Centre. Register before June 1st. 

Please register in advance at or call 519-352-1043 and speak to Crystal D.



Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - United Way - Writing a Winning Grant Proposal

Submitted by cdanby on
1554955200 1555041540

Writing a winning Grant Proposal

Learn about the current funding environment and grant-writing challenges as well as how to develop an effective grant proposal including identifying the component of successful proposals and strategies for packaging a proposal. 

Participants in this workshop will: 

  • Describe the components of a grant proposal 
  • Demonstrate how to write effective problem statements and needs assessments 
  • Demonstrate how to use the SMARTS test to write a program objective 
  • Explain the importance of monitoring and evaluation
  • Explain how to properly package a proposal 
  • Identify common problems with proposals

Who should attend? 

Executive Directors, Senior Managers, Board Members and other staff responsible for the preparation of grant proposals for an organization. 

April 24, 6-9pm at United Way Board Room, 300 Giles Blvd. E., Unit A1. Course fee, $25. Register online at 

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - A Women's Leadership Contest

Submitted by cdanby on
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EWI of Detroit-Windsor announced that it is hosting a Women’s Leadership Conference:  Generations in the Workplace on May 16, 2019, at the Lewis Education Center, Wayne County Community College District Northwest Campus. Find complete details and tickets at
Today’s workforce is clearly multigenerational. By 2020, Millennials will represent 50 percent of the workforce and many are stepping into managerial roles. Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials are clashing over values, technology, and work-life balance, to name a few. Why all the drama? This conference will clear the air on generational discord. National speaker, Lori Giovannoni will share her unique take on how multiple generations can work to elevate each other. By understanding each group’s characteristics, talents, and skills, successful leaders of all generations can learn to communicate across generational lines to build collaborative teams of happy, productive employees.  
The EWI Women’s Leadership Conference is part of EWI of Detroit-Windsor’s professional development program. Net proceeds from the conference help fund EWI’s Education & Literacy Fund. EWI is grateful for its partnership with Wayne County Community College District and for its generous support with this event. 
EWI of Detroit-Windsor is a business organization bringing together key individuals from diverse businesses for the purpose of promoting member firms, enhancing personal and professional development, and encouraging community involvement. The Chapter gives back to the community with Angel Grants, literacy programs, and the Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) Scholarship Program focusing on helping women in transition as they work to create a better life for themselves and for their families. In 2018, EWI of Detroit-Windsor celebrated its 50th anniversary in Detroit. Executive Women International has chapters in the United States and Canada.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Nominate a Volunteer in LaSalle

Submitted by cdanby on
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Each year, the Town of LaSalle recognizes volunteers for their hard work and dedication. The community is encouraged to submit nomination forms to recognize members of the community who go above and beyond. Council members review the nominations and choose a volunteer who stands out in each category. The award recipients will be acknowledged at a celebration at the LaSalle Civic Centre on Friday, September 13, 2019.

Nominations are now being accepted for the following categories:

  • Citizen of the Year
  • Young Citizen of the Year
  • Outstanding Service Club Volunteer
  • Outstanding Board Volunteer
  • Milestone Recipients (volunteers who have 15, 25 or 30 years of service with the same organization or club may be nominated for a Milestone Award)

Nominations in all categories are being accepted until Wednesday, July 31, 2019. Nomination forms are available on the Town of LaSalle website or can be picked-up from the Administration/Clerk's Counter on the first floor of the LaSalle Civic Centre.

Mail or drop off the completed nomination form in a sealed envelope to: Volunteer Recognition Awards, c/o Town of LaSalle, 5950 Malden Road, LaSalle, Ontario N9H 1S4. For more information, contact the Council Services Department at 519-969-7770, ext. 1234.

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Central United (Welland) Spring Fling!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Earth Day Contest for Kids

Submitted by cdanby on
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Want to win a trip to the Ojibway Nature Centre for your class?  In celebration of 30 years of Earth Day in Windsor-Essex, the Windsor-Essex Earth Day Committee is holding a contest for students in Grades 1 through 8. This year’s theme is “Protect Our Species.”

The Contest:

Grade 1 - 4:  Submit a drawing of what protecting the environment means to you!

Grade 5 - 8:  Submit an essay or poem on what “Protect Our Species” means to you!  Please limit entry to one page or 250 words. We will gladly accept French language submissions.

If you would like your contest entries to be picked up, please contact Averil Parent by Tuesday, April 16, 2019. Averil’s phone number is (519) 253-7111 ext. 3290, or you can email her at Alternatively, you can submit contest entries to the Ojibway Nature Centre (5200 Matchette Road, Windsor). The deadline to enter is 5pm, Thursday, April 18, 2019. All entries must have the name of the student, teacher, school and grade printed on them clearly.

**Winning entrants will be invited to explain their drawing and/or read their written submission at our Earth Day Celebration:

  • Sunday, April 28, 2019, 10am to 3pm at Malden Park

Winning authors will be contacted by Friday, April 26, 2019 before 4pm.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - New Seniors Program for Brain & Body

Submitted by cdanby on
1554955200 1555041540

A fitness program designed for older adults is coming to the Town of Essex this spring.

Ageless Grace, a cutting-edge brain fitness program, was developed by Denise Medved. The program activates all five functions of the brain: analytic, strategic, kinesthetic, learning, and memory. The program also targets 21 physical skills needed for longevity of body and mind. Each low-intensity exercise is designed to be performed in a chair.

The classes will be taught by Tanis Jaques, a local fitness instructor and certified Ageless Grace Educator.

“I’m really passionate about body and brain health, especially since my father-in-law was recently diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s and we’ve seen a rapid decline in his abilities and health,” Jaques said. “People that are aging become more and more concerned about cognitive decline over anything else. Back in the day it used to be heart disease, it used to be cancer, but now people are really concerned about their cognitive decline and having the right tools and the right information to try to ensure that that doesn’t happen to them or their loved ones.”

“This program demonstrates that our recreational offerings aren’t just for kids and young adults,” said Doug Sweet, Director of Community Services. “In the Town of Essex, we encourage our residents to participate throughout their lives to maintain physical and mental health.”

Jaques will run a seven week session this spring (April 30 to June 11) and a nine week session this summer (July 2 to August 27) at the Essex Community Centre (25 Gosfield Townline West, Essex Centre) on Tuesdays from 11:15am until 12:15pm. The cost to participate is $63 for seven weeks, $81 for nine weeks, or $12 to drop in.

Space is limited, and participants can register by calling 519-776-8992 or searching “Ageless” at