Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Living Through Loss Family Program

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557352800 1557358200
1558562400 1558567800

A free peer-to-peer support group for children, teens and their parents or caregivers who have experienced the death of a family member.  Presented by Community Care’s Hospice Services,  at the Daycare Centre, 55 Mary St.W., Lindsay, on May 8th and 22nd, from 6 – 7:30 p.m.  Call 705-879-4123 for information or to register. 

Adult Day Centre (Gateway Plaza)
55 Mary St. W.
K9V 5Z6

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Healing After Suicide Support Group for over 18s

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556749800 1556755200

A no charge healing after suicide support group offered by Community Care's Hospice services. For adults 18 and over, to identify, explore and clarify thoughts and feelings following the death of someone by suicide. From 6:30 - 8 p.m., May 1st. at 2 Kent St. W. Lindsay.  Call 705-324-7323, ext 504 for information

Community Care Hospice Services
2 Kent St. W.
K9V 2Y1

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Circle of Hope Peer Support Group

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556812800 1556818200
1558022400 1558027800

Circle of Hope for the Bereaved – a free support group for those who have recently lost a loved one, to share with others experiencing similar challenges.  Presented by Community Care’s Hospice Services, 2 Kent St. W., Lindsay, noon to 1:30 p.m., May 2nd and 16th. Call 705-879-4123 for information or to register. 

Community Care Hospice Services
2 Kent St. W.
K9V 2Y1

Community Event - Niagara - World Vision Global 6k For Water-Niagara May 25th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558798200 1558810800

Did you know that 6km is the average distance people walk for water in developing communities?

Come out on May 25th for the First Annual Niagara World Vision Global 6k for Water! Every step we take is one they won't have to.
Every day people walk an average of 6k for contaminated water, but we can help change that!  Let’s join the movement Niagara and walk with thousands of other people across Canada who are taking action to help get clean water to those who need it. Every $50 raised provides lasting clean water for one person!

All funds from this event will be going to World Vision Water Projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Register as an individual or set up a team and start training to run or walk 6K! Bring your friends, family, neighbours etc -- the more the merrier - WE WILL go farther together!

For more information or to register visit and look for the Niagara Host site or click here

St. Catharines Museum & Welland Canals Centre Lock III
1932 Welland Canals Parkway
L2R 7K6
St. Catharines

Community Event - Sarnia - Trivial Pursuit Night Fundraiser on May 4

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557010800 1557019800

Central United Church, Sarnia will be hosting a Trivial Pursuit Night on May 4 to raise money for the Huron Boy’s Home.

The game will start at 7 p.m., with doors opening at 6:30 p.m.  All are welcome to attend.  Participants are invited to come alone and join a table, or come with friends to form their own table.

Tickets are available at the downtown church, located at 220 George Street, corner of Brock and George.  Advance tickets are $18;  tickets are $20 at the door.  For more information, call 519-344-4561, Tuesday to Friday  9-12 noon.

The ticket includes prizes, pizza, refreshments and munchies.

Central United Church
220 George Street
N7T 4N9

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - The Windsor Poetry Slam featuring Samantha Badaoa

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556062200 1556071200

The Windsor Poetry Slam is back again for its monthly slam, and of course, it is going to be a marvelous night of poetry! To celebrate International Poetry Month, we've got a little treat for you! We have Windsor Poetry Slam's own Slammaster, Samantha Badaoa as our feature!

Samantha Badaoa is Windsor's 2015 and first ever Grand Slam Champion, as well as a three-time member of the Windsor Poetry Slam team. Her work has been published in places such as the Windsor Salt and The South Detroit Chapbook Series. She has edited several books for Windsor publisher Black Moss Press, and is currently studying Accounting at the University of Windsor. 
She has acted as Slammaster for the Windsor Poetry Slam for the last two seasons and is currently holding the position of Windsor’s first ever Youth Poet Laureate. Her poetry is concerned with investigating the relationship between the divine and the mundane and with creating and sustaining hope. Samantha is enthusiastic about sharing an experience with people through slam poetry, and hopes to create spaces for people to experiment with expression. 

This month's slam takes place at the Phog Lounge on Tuesday, April 23rd!! Doors will be open at 7:30 pm, show starts at 8 pm.

If you want to slam please be there by 7:45 pm at the latest to sign up. 

As always, two rounds of three-minute poems, along with an open mic portion for anyone who wants to share their poems but not compete in the slam.

Phog Lounge
157 University Ave W
N9A 5P4

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Bake sale and Tea

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556992800 1557000000

Saturday May 4th, 2019  2pm to 4pm   Emmanuel United Church auditorium, 534 George St at McDonnel  UCW Bake table, new-to-you table, tea/coffee with dessert $5 at door.

Tickets: Anne @ 705 742-8294

Emmanuel United Church
534 George St
K9H 3S2
Peterborough, Ontario

Community Event - Sarnia - FREE Prenatal Classes May 3-31 @ 9:30-11:30am

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556890200 1556897400

A program offered by Twin Bridges NPLC that is open to the community. Each week, various topics related to labour, delivery and infant care will be discussed. Please feel free to attend with a support person. 

153 Christina Street S.
N7T 2M9