Événement communautaire - Drummondville - 5 à 7 pour la VIE 2019

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560978000 1560985200

Le 19 juin prochain, à la Cour du Baron de St-Cyrille, se tiendra la campagne annuelle de financement du Ceps Drummond. 

300 billets sont disponibles pour cette activité! Venez célébrer la VIE avec nous ce soir là !

Centre d'écoute et de prévention suicide Drummond - 819 477-8855 - 24h/7j

Restaurant La Cour du Baron
325 rue St-Louis
J1Z 1S2

Événement communautaire - Sept-Îles - Café-rencontre

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557875700 1557880200

Café-rencontre "La garde en milieu familial régi"

Tu as une garderie privée, tu souhaites avoir du soutien et rencontrer des gens qui partagent ta passion ?

Tu aimerais joindre une équipe dynamique et un réseau engagé ?

Viens nous rencontrer et participe à la soirée d'information sur les avantages de la garde en milieu familial subventionnée.

Mardi le 14 mai, à 19 h 15. Au CPE-BC Sous le Bon Toit,  123 de la Vérendrye. Café et collation sur place.

Avoir un service de garde régi... Un plus pour toi, un plus pour tous.

CPE sous le bon toit
123 de la Vérendrye
G4R 5V3

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Older Adult Centre Art Show & Sale Sat. May 4th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556982000 1556996400

On Saturday May 4th from 11am - 3pm the Artists of Dunlop Drive Older Adult Centre will be showing off their works of art. There will be live art demonstrations, a door prize, lunch available for purchase. This is a free event, a canned good for community care is appreciated.

Community Event - Belleville - Trenton Lions Spaghetti Buffet

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556913600 1556924400

Spaghetti Buffet.  Spaghetti with our famous sauce, salad, rolls, bread, dessert, coffee, tea and juice Adults: $9.00 children  6-12: $4.00  Children under 6 : Free. Take out Available 613-392-2198


Trenton Lions Club
77 Campbell Street
K8V 6S2

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Spring Fever

Submitted by cdanby on
1554696000 1554782340
1556337600 1556423940

3rd Annual Fundraiser supporting LaSalle Food Bank. Craft, Vendor Gift Show & Family Event! April 27, 9am-4pm at Sacred Heart Church Halls, 1425 Divine St., LaSalle. Come out and do some shopping with over 30 local vendors! Stop in for snacks and lunch! What's Poppin' Popcorn Factory & Sizzlers, Hawaiian Shaved Ice carnival eats will be donating part of their profits. 

Visit https://www.facebook.com/events/353953258667759/

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Pregnancy Pact The Musical

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556150400 1556157600
1556236800 1556244000
1556323200 1556330400
1556388000 1556395200
1556409600 1556416800

The Edge Productions is bringing the deeply empathetic and hard hitting musical about a high-school pregnancy pact back to Canada. Previously produced by The Edge Productions in 2017 and performed in Windsor with an entirely student cast, Pregnancy Pact is back for a professional run in Windsor from April 24th through April 27th. This is Pregnancy Pacts professional Canadian Premiere. This is the first co-production with our new Toronto partners at Gangway! Theatre Co! 

Pregnancy Pact is a pop-rock musical, with book & lyrics by Gordon Leary and music by Julia Meinwald, which tells the story of a group of teens who make a pact to become single mothers together. The 15-year-old Maddie is devoted to her three best friends and they are to her. So, when Brynn gets pregnant, the friends all plan to have children, raising them together and living a dream. Inspired by the 2008 news story of the Gloucester pregnancy pact that took the world by storm, Pregnancy Pact provides a unique chance to examine the intense journey this kind of decision creates. 

Wednesday, April 24th at 8:00 pm
Thursday, April 25th at 8:00 pm
Friday, April 26th at 8:00 pm
Saturday, April 27th at 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm

Samantha Bourque as Maddie
Miranda DiPietro as Brynn
Melissa MacKenzie as Kaylee
Katie Miller as Jeanelle
Caroline Burton as Sansanee
Anna Mazurik as Jenn
& Sean Sennett as Corey/Justin

Community Event - Niagara - N. Falls Horticultural Society Spring Plant Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558792800 1558807200

Niagara Falls Horticultural Society 12th Annual Spring Plant Sale

Member grown Hostas, Ornamental Grasses, Shade & Sun lovin' perennials as well as some houseplants all at great prices.

Proceeds go back into beautifying and educating the community through Horticulture. We are a not for profit organization.

FREE Kids Zone - Kids can plant an annual to take home with them for free.

Members of the Park in the City will be on hand.

Enclosed Bee demonstration from Small Scale Farms.

Niagara Falls Public Library - Victoria Branch
4848 Victoria Avenue
L2E 4C5
Niagara Falls

Community Event - Sarnia - Spring Tea jewellery, homemade spring rolls, lunch

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557415800 1557423000

Featuring Jewellery,scarves,purses,HOMEMADE spring rolls,limited bake table

Lunch $7:00-sandwiches,desserts,tea,coffee,juice

50-50 Draw   Door Prizes


Our Lady of Mercy Church Hall
London and Christina Street Sarnia
N7T 5V9

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Laura Secord Sesquicentennial Concert Project

Submitted by cdanby on
1556164800 1556251140

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the passing of a remarkable and significant Canadian historical figure, Laura Secord. Orchestra Breva will honour Ms. Secord's contributions with a concert celebration highlighting her heroic acts and life's journey, illustrated through music significant to her time and circumstance. All who have served humanity through in times of war and peace, through acts of bravery and sacrifice, will be honoured. It will feature classical musicians, Indigenous artists, local historians, new compositions, and Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony. 

Windsor - Tecumseh - Ingersoll - Brantford - Niagara 

Classical Musicians and Local Historians unite to tell the remarkable life story of this iconic Canadian Hero featuring BEETHOVEN’S EROICA SYMPHONY ...in honour of all War Heroes 

May 25 | 8 pm Assumption Hall - University of Windsor 

May 26 | 8 pm Paroisse Ste Anne - Tecumseh 

June 20 | 8 pm Cheese Museum - Ingersoll 

June 21 | 8 pm Sanderson Centre - Brantford 

June 23 | 2 pm Queenston Heights - Niagara-on-the-Lake 

Tickets available through concert venues - ORDER EARLY for best pricing, VETERANS - free 519.980.1113 | orchestrabreva.com 

Windsor Historical Society Veterans Memories Project info@windsorhistoricalsociety

Événement communautaire - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Bébé Layette

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556292600 1556321400

Bébé Layette invite la population à participer à sa journée spaghetti le vendredi 26 avril 2019, de 11 h 30 à 13 h 30 et de 17 h à 19 h 30 au Club de curling, 19 rue Maden, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield. Cette activité de financement servira à aider les familles à faible revenu d’enfants 0-5 ans. Coût : prévente : adulte : 12 $, enfant 10 ans et moins : 5 $. À la porte : adulte:14 $, enfant 10 ans et moins : 5 $  Information ou commande à apporter : 450 377-5227.

Club de curling situé au 19, rue Maden, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield