Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Diabète St-Hyacinthe Inc.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556818200 1556845200

Conférence "Le curateur public du Québec et la protection des enfants inaptes" le jeudi 2 mai à 13h30 ou 18h30,

au Centre Aquatique Desjardins, 850 Turcot, 2e étage (ascenseur). 

Réservation avant le 25 avril en indiquant votre choix d'heure, votre nom et téléphone,

au 450-778-2472 poste 6331 ou 796-3106. Vous recevrez une confirmation de votre réservation. 

Centre Aquatique Desjardins 2e étage, 13h30 ou 18h30
850 Turcot près de l'aréna
J2S 1M2

Public Notices/Announcements - Ottawa Valley - Spring Into Easter Party!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555174800 1555183800

Our annual Easter celebration, formally known as the Unbunny party. Registration opens at 12:30. The opening begins at 1:00p.m. Stations will include:
Parachute games, Action Games, Escape tombs, Snack, Craft, Coloring, Parent Cafe, Guessing jars.


St. John's Lutheran Church, 357 Miller St., Pembroke

Community Event - Sarnia - Sawuti Children's Choir Concert

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558134000 1558141200

Seven members of Sawuti Children's Choir from South Africa share their testimony and music in this free concert.

Brigden Community Church
2389 Courtright Line
N0N 1B0
Brigden, Ontario

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Electronics Drop Off - April 26/27/28 - Air Cadets

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556308800 1556319600
1556373600 1556395200
1556460000 1556474400

The 126 Flying Lancers are having an Electronics Drop Off on April 26, 27 and 28 at the Royal Canadian Legion on Spring Street in Niagara Falls.

Friday, April 26 from 4pm to 7pm during the Legion's Fish Fry

Saturday, April 27 from 10am to 4pm, with a Barbecue from 11:30 to 1pm. Hamburgers, Hotdogs and Veggie Burgers.

Sunday, April 28 from 10am to 2pm.

For more information please contact Sponsoring Committee Members Vanessa at 289-968-8675 or Evan at 905-650-8675. Email seeussoar@hotmail.com

Thank you for your time and support.

Community Event - Kingston - Spring Fashion Show at the Opinicon Resort

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554696000 1554782340

Spring Fashion Show by Judy Joannou Designs on Sunday, April 28,at the Opinicon Resort, 1697 Chaffeys Lock Rd, Elgin, ON.  Show begins at 2:00 pm with a Pop - Up Shop open for browsing at 1:30 pm.  Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar served in the Tiki Lounge.  Door prizes and swag bags!  Tickets are $30 with all proceeds going to the Rideau Lakes Public Library.  Reserve your ticket at friends.rideaulakeslibrary@gmail.com  or pick up at any of the Rideau Lakes Public Library branches.  

Opinicon Resort
1697 Chaffey's Lock Rd.
K0G 1E0

Événement communautaire - Saint-Georges - Diner Spaghetti - dim.5 mai

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557072000 1557079200

Diner Spaghetti au profit de la réparation majeure de la rampe d’accès pour personnes à mobilité réduite de l’Église de Notre-Dame-de-la-Providence à Notre-Dame-des-Pins.

Billets disponible au presbytère de Notre-Dame au 418 774-9110 

Notre-Dame des Pins

Community Event - Belleville - The Mother of All Craft Shows

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556978400 1557000000

10th Annual THE MOTHER OF ALL CRAFT SHOWS, Saturday May 4, 2019, 10 am to 4 pm.  New Location!  Travelodge Hotel,11 Bay Bridge Rd., Belleville.  Quinte Region's original springtime handcraft market showcasing the incredible talent of over 90+ of the region's finest  ARTisans | DESIGNers | MAKErs!, that takes place the week before Mother's Day to encourage shoppers to find those special one-of-a-kind gifts for Mom, Gramma, Auntie, special friend ... and Dad's who are Mom's, too! Play Plinko for Pets or purchase a raffle ticket or two to win pretty awesome artisan-donated raffle prizes that help to raise funds for our charity partner, Fixed Fur Life!

Travelodge Hotel
11 Bay Bridge Rd
K8P 3P6