Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Cornwall & District Horticultural Society Meeting
Cornwall & District Horticultural Society is holding its monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 9th, 7:00 p.m. at RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W.
Guest Speaker, Dan Cooper, co-author of "Gardening from a Hammock", previous tv guest of Good Afternoon Toronto.
For further information contact Bob at 613-933-5583.
Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - BCI`S ROOTS`S clubs 27 dresses and counting
B.C.I.'s ROOTS Club's 27 Dresses and Counting Event will be taking place on Thursday, April 18 in the Learning Commons (Library) from 4-7 p.m. Come one, come all! Get your dress for prom or grad - free! No registration necessary, anyone who needs a dress is welcome!!
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps Agamemnon Reunion
The RCSCC Agamemnon (Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps) celebrates its 100th anniversary with an alumni reunion at HMCS HUNTER – 90 Mill Street in Windsor, Ontario on May 17-19, 2019.
The 100th anniversary alumni reunion (which is open to the public) will serve to acknowledge those generations of youth whose lives were enriched and careers molded through the values and qualities of naval training, team dynamics, citizenship, skills development, leadership, advocacy, mentorship, self-discipline and a deep-rooted sense of patriotism.
For event details and how to register for the reunion, visit our Facebook page RCSCC AGAMEMNON 100th Anniversary 17-19 May 2019.
Community Event - North Bay - L'Arche North Bay 14th Annual Community Walk
On Saturday May 4, 2019 (Star Wars Day) L’Arche North Bay will be hosting our 14th Annual Community Walk.
Each year, we dedicate the funds raised at this event to a specific need in our Community. With our vehicle fleet gaining in years and in need of renewal, we are using the funds raised in 2019 towards a new vehicle. So, this year we are walking so that we can drive!
To participate as a Walker, please contact L'Arche North Bay
102 First Ave. East North Bay, ON, P1B 1J6
Phone: 705-474-0081 ext 7
And May the 4th Be With You
Community Event - North Bay - Near North Voices: Up Close and Personal
April 6 - Near North Voices presents Up Close & Personal
7:30pm at St. Andrew's United Church (399 Cassells St)
Tickets $20/Adults or $10/Student
Tickets are available at The Farm and Creative Learning on Main St. They are also available at the door.
Community Event - North Bay - Play for PLAYS
Tuesday, April 30th at Northern Tikes Indoor Playground and Party Centre
5pm - 8pm
$10/child (cash only)
Lots of fun to be had including: Silent Auction, Face Painting, Bouncy House, Cotton Candy, Cookies & More
Everyone Welcome!
Community Event - North Bay - Axe The Stigma on Autism
Friday, April 5th at The Voyageur - P.L.A.Y.S. Parents Lending Autistic Youth Support
6pm-10pm - Northern Axperts - 123 Delaware Ave.
Tickets are $40/person
Participants will be divided into teams of 4, unless you would like to register a team.
Price Incl. Axe throwing instructions, prizes and much more!
Beverage & food available for purchase
Community Event - Cornwall - Cornwall Quilters Guild monthly meeting
Cornwall Quilters Guild will hold the next monthly meeting on Monday April 15th, in St Matthew's Lutheran Church hall, 1509 Second Street West. Welcome to all Quilters! Info: call Robynne at 614-933-1857.