Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Easter Breakfast with Petunia & Bloomer

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1554091200 1554177540
1555128000 1555214340

The Town of Essex's bloomin' ambassadors will be visiting on Saturday, April 13 for a special Easter-themed breakfast. Children and their families are invited to join petunia and Blooming for a pancake breakfast, photos, and a fun Easter craft. 

The pair will host the event in the Shaheen Room at the Essex Centre Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Ave. W., Essex from 10-11:30am. The cost to participate is $5 per person, which includes pancakes, juice and craft material. Coffee will also be provided for adults. 

"This is a great opportunity for families to get together and share some special moments." said Doug Sweet, Director of Community Services. "Parents and guardians will also get the chance to take pictures of their kids with the Town's ambassadors." 

Space is very limited, and participants must register in advance by calling 519-776-8992 or visit (search "Easter Breakfast").

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Concert Chorale La Mi-Temps

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556474400 1556481600
1557079200 1557086400

« Un printemps For me, Formidable! ». C’est ce que La Chorale La Mi-Temps, sous la direction de Daniel Lemyre, a le plaisir de vous offrir pour son concert printanier le dimanche 28 avril, à 14 h, à l'église St-Laurent et le dimanche 5 mai, 14 h à l'église Ste-Bernadette au bénéfice de "Mon sac d'école" Burundi. Billets en vente auprès des choristes ou à l'entrée.

Vous entendrez 75 choristes vous partager leur passion pour la musique en interprétant des pièces et des rythmes variés qui sauront vous charmer, vous émouvoir, vous réjouir, mais également vous surprendre.

Nous souhaitons que vous soyez des nôtres lors de l’une ou l’autre de nos deux représentations. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer! 

Église Saint-Laurent et Église Sainte-Bernadette

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Movie Nights at The Station Theatre

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555110000 1555117200
1555196400 1555203600

Award Winning 'Green Book' starring Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali. Set in 1962 in the Deep South, the movie tells the story of a bouncer who takes on the roll of driver to an African American classic pianist and the friendship it inspired.

The Station Theatre
53 Victoria Avenue
K7A 5E6
Smiths Falls

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - A Taste for Life

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1554091200 1554177540
1556683200 1556769540

May 1, dine at any of the participating restaurants and 25% of your bill goes to your local AIDS Service Organization. 

All Day:

  • Jack's Gastropub, 31 Division St. S.
  • Slice of Pi, 5841 Malden Rd. 
  • Garfield's, 1 County 50 Rd. W, Harrow
  • Bubi's Awesome Eats, 620 University Ave. W.
  • Toasty's Grilled Cheese & Salad Bar, 357 Ouellette Ave. 
  • Souq, 1-2651 Howard Ave. 


  • The Liquid Library, 2135 Wyandotte St. W.
  • Rino's Kitchen & Ale House, 131 Elliott St. W.
  • The Salty Dog, 237 Dalhousie St., Amherstburg 

Take out only: 

  • Armando's Pizza (LaSalle), 6146 Malden Rd. 

More info at www.aidswindsor.org

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Rummage & Bake Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556974800 1556985600

All Saints Anglican Church Petawawa

Bake Table - White Elephant Table - Book Table - Clothing and; Back by Popular Demand, "J&L's Closet"

All Saints Anglican Church Petawawa
1173 Victoria Street
K8H 1E6

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - RWTO/OERO NF Branch - Area 13. April 8th 11:30am

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554177600 1554263940

Welcome all retired women teachers to attend a social at Betty's Restaurant, 8921 Sodom Road in Chippawa on Monday, April 8 Time: 11:30 a.m. Lunch: $22.00 Speaker: Aksana Kavaliova, a neurologic music therapist. Info. Linda 905-358-6931

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Networking for Charity

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1554091200 1554177540
1556596800 1556683140

May 3, 9-11:30am at Victoria Greenlawn Funeral Home & Reception Centre, 1525 Highway #3. Advance tickets only - limited seating. $35, includes full breakfast from 9-9:30am. RSVP by April 30. Call Theresa Reaume, 519-979-8888 or email


Guest Speaker, Karen Behune Plunkett - 

Karen is a results-oriented, passionate, energetic leader, with superb creative strategic integrative thinking and relationship-building capabilities

  • V.P. Business Development Voltaric Inc. Data Analytics 
  • Director - Windsor Port Authority 
  • Board of Governors St. Clair College
  • Principal - Pinpoint Strategic Direction 
  • Director - Essex Region Conservation Foundation 

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Celebrate Easter with Adventure Bay

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1554091200 1554177540
1555905600 1555991940

Join Adventure Bay for another eggs-tra special Easter Weekend, April 19-22. Enjoy all the rides and slides you love with full hours Friday and Saturday, as well as special hours and rates on Monday! 

Easter Weekend 2019: 

  • Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20: Open 10am-8pm
  • Easter Sunday, April 21: Closed
  • Easter Monday, April 22: Open 10am-4pm (Starlight Admission accepted all day)

For details on attractions, hours, admission and more, visit or call 519-974-2783

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - SFCT presents 'The Faery's Kiss' by Bill Breuer

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556321400 1556328600
1556407800 1556415000
1556474400 1556481600
1556839800 1556847000
1556926200 1556933400
1557012600 1557019800
1557079200 1557086400

When Thomas searches for his family roots he discovers that he’s inherited a small manor house on a hill in the British countryside that is rumored by the townsfolk to be haunted. Upon taking possession of the house he finds that it is inhabited not by ghosts but by a woman who claims to be a real faery! Not the pixie or sprite of storybooks – she is a powerful, mischievous and sexy woman who does not want him there. She is actively protecting a secret that others are trying to steal. With many plot twists, the story has a surprising and unforgettable ending.

Tickets on sale at Special Greetings, 8 Russell St. E (cash only); Online ( or phone (613-283-0300) (credit card); 1/2 hr before show, at the theatre, (cash only) if tickets are still available. $20 adults/$10 studetns.

The Station Theatre
53 Victoria Avenue
K7A 5E6
Smiths Falls