Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Earth Day 2019
Earth Day 2019 Highlights Species at Risk
Join local residents and millions of people worldwide in celebrating Earth Day on Sunday, April 28, 2019! The City of Windsor and the Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority will host a free public celebration from 10am to 3pm at Malden Park (4200 Malden Road).
This year’s national theme is “Protect our Species,” and our local celebration will include a pop-up adventure playground, environmental arts and crafts, eco-exhibits, Super Duper Ultra Guy and over 30 environmental exhibits to check out. New this year, Sciensational SSSnakes and the Art Lab Splatter Tent will be on hand too.
There will be food and drinks for sale, so bring some cash.
Earth Day is a worldwide event held to increase awareness and appreciation of the earth’s natural environment. The City of Windsor is hoping to educate residents on environment and sustainability issues by using hands-on, interactive methods. More than 30 different organizations will participate in this event, which is designed to provide a voice and venue to environmental causes.
Walk Wheel Windsor also encourages you to take alternative transportation to Earth Day!
For more details on the project, watch our video with Environment and Sustainability Coordinator, Averil Parent or visit and search Earth Day.