Community Event - North Bay - Garage Sale - St-Vincent-de-Paul Church Fundraiser
2-day garage sale. Donations are accepted in advance from Monday April 22 to Thursday April 25th between 9 am and 5 pm in the Parish Hall. 1265 Wyld st.
Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Rain Barrel Fundraiser May 11 for Monarch Garden
REAL will be hosting a rain barrel fundraiser to raise funds for a Monarch Butterfly Garden it is planning.
Rain barrels are a great way to save water and benefit your plants.
Rain barrels provide a free source of water that is ideal for vegetables, trees, and plants because it does not contain fluoride and chlorine, which are added to many municipal water systems. They enable residents to collect water through the rainy season for use during dry summer months. When outdoor water restrictions are in place, water from a rain barrel can be used to wash vehicles and water lawns. Having a source of stored water can be beneficial if an emergency ever arises. Rainwater also has the benefit of being a similar temperature as the air, and does not shock plants’ roots like tap water does.
REAL is partnering with for this sale. reclaims food grade barrels and repurposes them as rain barrels. Once used to transport fruits and vegetables, they now offer years of reliable service as rain barrels. Partnering with various non-profit organizations, helps stage truckload fundraisers in communities across Canada.
Each rain barrel includes a leaf and mosquito filter basket, an overflow adaptor, a spigot and an overflow hose. Gardeners have their choice of blue, black, grey or terracotta barrels, subject to availability. Rain barrels are $55 each and can be pre-ordered and paid for online at Pre-ordered rain barrels will be available for pick up on Saturday, May 11 at the REAL Deal Store, 85 William St. W., Smiths Falls from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please order by May 1 to ensure you rain barrel arrives by May 11.
REAL will receive $10 from every rain barrel sold; and $2 from each downspout diverter, stand or flower pot sold. Proceeds will support the monarch butterfly garden being planted on the REAL Deal site this summer in honour of REAL’s 30th anniversary this year. Watch for photos are the project develops!
For more information email REAL at, or call Barb at (613) 283-9966. Specific product questions should be directed to
Public Notices/Announcements - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Pitch In Smiths Falls April 20 - May 5
Join with other residents, groups, schools, businesses to clean up litter during this annual two week event. Pick up your supplies at the REAL Deal Reuse Store, 85 William St. W. Smiths Falls starting April 11. Clean up wherever you can! Store open Thurs - Sat 10 - 4. See our website for more:
Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Coronation St. The Ping Returns! Apr 29th 6:30 pm
Join us for a cuppa, some street talk, & trivia with prizes!
With thanks to our sponsor Port Hope Pharmsave
Community Event - Cornwall - Spring daytime classes for adults 50+
At Encore Education Centre, Cornwall. No exams or grades! Learning for fun and discovery. 20 topics to choose from. First sessions start April 8th. Others start later in April and May. For information call 613-937-1525 or visit
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Senior's Dinner at Branch 12, 2090 Brant Street
Senior's Dinner Apr 3 /19 Come on out and join us for a delicious
Ham ,Scallop potatoes ,Veggie Rolls and Salad $6.00
everyone is welcome also ladies aux. bake sale 4:30 - 7pm
Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Navistar Banquet April 26 - Polish Cdn Club $25
Navistar Banquet April 26 - Polish Cdn Club $25.
Open to all prev employees -open 5 dinner 6:30-281 Inshes Ave. By 4/17 Cy Addley 25 Wilson Ave Chatham On N7L1K8 employee only. Incl name phone nbr chq "Navistar 15 Year Banquet Committee"
Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Bluegrass Concert
Essx-Kent Bluegrass, Oldtime & Folk Music Association
SIDELINE from North Carolina
In Concert
At the McGregor Columbian Club (9560 Walker Road)
Saturday April 27, 2019 at 7:00 pm
Tickets: $20.00 advance; $25.00 at the door
Opening Band – Winterline
Ticket Coordinator:
Stan Sullivan, Kingsville ~ 519-733-2934
Area Ticket Outlets:
Belle River 727-5439 ~ Chatham 352-9534 ~ Harrow 738-4207
Windsor 254-9620 ~ Woodslee 975-2792
Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Area Youth Dart League Pasta Fundraiser
All You Can Eat Pasta Fundraiser - Helping support players who have qualified for the Royal Canadian Legion Provincial Championships being held in Owen Sound this year. Saturday, April 13 from 2-6pm. $15.00 per dinner. Contact anyone of our players or myself, Matt Campbell at 519-259-2769 or by email at