Community Event - Niagara - Christian Philosophy Thursdays

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553814000 1553821200

Join us Thursday evenings at 7pm from March 28 - May 30 for an inspiring evening of teaching, discussion, music and art. Features live painting by artist Melani Pyke and special music by Maurice Archer. 

The Peninsula Inn
7373 Niagara Square Drive
L2H 1J2
Niagara Falls

Community Event - Belleville - Kente UCW Annual Meeting April 10 - 11 am to 2 pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554908400 1554919200

Wed April 10 Kente UCW Annual Luncheon Meeting at College Hill United Church, 16 North Park Street, Belleville.  Arrive 11, business, lunch and spring concert with Arabella to follow.  Cost is $12 at the door.  Drop off and accessible parking at front of church.  Additional parking one block west with walkthrough to church.  All welcome.  Contact Cheryl 613 395 0914 for info.

College HIl United Church
16 North Park Street
K8P 2X9

Community Event - Sarnia - Kings of the Keyboards - Sarnia Pipe Organ Crawl

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556987400 1557002700

Rare opportunity for you to hear (and play, if you wish) historic pipe organs in four of Sarnia's historic churches in a single day!

Grand Finale at 4:15 p.m. – Concert organist, Dr. Wayne Carroll, plays the 3-manual Casavant of Central United Church, the largest pipe organ in 3 counties, including the City of Windsor!

This event is organized by the Chatham Centre, Royal Canadian College of Organists.

Tour begins at 12:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s United Church, 360 Devine Street.

Participating churches:  St. Paul’s United, 12:30-1:45; St. Andrew’s Presbyterian, 2-2:50 p.m.;

All Saints’ Anglican; 3-3:50 p.m.; Central United, 4:00-4:45 p.m.  (all times approximate)

Tickets available at the Cheeky Monkey, 130 Christina St. North, Sarnia; 519-332-0978

Admission:  Advance:  $17         At the door:  $20              RCCO/AGO members:  $10

Youth and students (including college and university):  Free

For further information, please contact Ian at; 519-864-1119

St. Paul's United Church
360 Devine Street
N7T 1V1

Community Event - Sarnia - PA DAY at Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia-Lambton

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554462000 1554501600

PA Day PJ Party with The Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia-Lambton

Friday, April. 5, 2019
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Ages 6-12
Cost: $25.00 (includes lunch)

*Come in your favourite PJ's and bring a stuffed animal!*
Movies, crafts, air hockey, board games, computers, billiards, crafts.

New members must register by April 4, 2019. Registration forms can be found on

The Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia-Lambton
180 College Ave. North
N7T 7X2