Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Salon du Bénévolat

Submitted by jcloutier on
1554472800 1554498000

Visitez le Salon du Bénévolat qui se tiendra aux Galeries St-Hyacinthe, le vendredi 5 avril de 10h à 17h.

Vous avez du temps à offrir ou envie de vous impliquer dans votre communauté? 

Venez rencontrer plusieurs organismes de la région et discuter avec leurs représentants pour découvrir les possibilités qui s’offrent à vous.

Donner du temps c’est précieux!

Organisé par le Centre de Bénévolat de St-Hyacinthe, 50 ans au cœur de la communauté maskoutaine!

Galeries St-Hyacinthe

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Waste Collection Calendar - Update

Submitted by cdanby on
1553140800 1553227140
1554091200 1554177540

The delivery of 70,000 City of Windsor 2019/20 Collection Calendars to residential mailboxes continues. However, there has been an issue involving delivery to two areas of the city: 

  • Residents living in the area with a postal code beginning with N9G were inadvertently delivered two different copies of the calendar. They are advices to follow the version 2B on it
  • As a result, residents with the postal code beginning with N8Y may see a delay in the arrival of their collection calendar. The calendars have been ordered and will be distributed as quickly as possible. 

Those residents and any others who do not receive a copy of the 2019-20 Collection Calendar by March 31, 2019 should call 311, and a copy will be mailed to them. Residents can also find a printable copy on the City of Windsor website after April 1, 2019 at www.citywindsor.ca under “My Collection Calendar.” Collection information is also available at www.mappmycity.ca or by downloading the Recycle Coach App from your phone’s app store.

Residents are reminded that regular collection days have not changed from last year. Whatever day of the week your garbage was collected in 2018 will be the same this year.

The Collection Calendar is valid from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 and acts as a handy reference tool throughout the year. The calendar not only indicates collection days but also provides valuable information, such as preparation requirements, how to get rid of needles or bulk items, and why your garbage may not have been collected in certain situations.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Quilters' Guild - Quilt Show

Submitted by cdanby on
1554350400 1554436740
1556942400 1557028740

The Windsor Quilters' Guild is hosting a fantastic quilt show at the WFCU Centre on May 3, 10am-6pm and May 4, 10am-4pm. 200+ quilts and quilted items, large and small, traditional and modern including original art quilts, enjoy light lunch in the Tea Room, shop the Guild Boutique for unique one-of-a-kind items, peruse the Book Nook and stroll our multi vendor mall.

As part of the show, we run a charity raffle - prizes include 3 quilts worth in excess of $2000.00 plus a terrific Spitfire Package. In the last twelve years we have donated $52,000.00 to local charities. This show, we selected our own Comfort Quilt Program as recipient of our raffle funds. Comfort Quilts has provided quilts and pillowcases plus other needed items to numerous charities across Windsor and Essex County. Last year alone we provided 168 quilts and 229 pillowcases to shelters, immigrant women, women's shelters, The Children's Aid, Maryvale, Hospice and Ronald McDonald house. Plus we do extensive and ongoing work supplying Met Hospital Pediatrics and Child Services with items for NICU and the Beads of Courage project.