Community Event - Belleville - RWTO Spring Luncheon
The RWTO Belleville and Area Branch will host a Spring Luncheon on April 10,2019 at St. Mark's United Church, Cannifton For more information and to reserve a place, call 613-968-8268
The RWTO Belleville and Area Branch will host a Spring Luncheon on April 10,2019 at St. Mark's United Church, Cannifton For more information and to reserve a place, call 613-968-8268
Prochaine conférence de l'AQDR le vendredi le 29 mars
au restaurant STRATOS, 1310, rue Sainte-Marguerite, Trois-Rivières
9 h 45 Arrivée
10 h Entendez-vous bien? Conférencier : Michel Nadeau
Coût : 15$ pour les membres et 20$ pour les non-membres
Réservez et payez avant le 27 mars au 819 697-3711.
The Organization of Part-time University Students (OPUS) will host its 27th Annual Awards Banquet on Friday, March 22, in the student centre’s Alumni Auditorium at 6 p.m. with dinner to follow.
The event will celebrate the organization’s 50th anniversary and recognize UWindsor part-time undergraduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni for “Going Above and Beyond.” There are also sponsorship opportunities including platinum at $2,000, gold $1,500, silver $800 and bronze $500.
RSVP by Friday, March 15, to 519-253-3000, ext 3603, or email: For more information, contact OPUS staff Maryan or Steve at Find more details on the event website,
1st Year Anniversary - April 5 St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 16 Marmora Street, Trenton Please join us to celebrate. Everyone welcome, out-of-town guest speakers, cold potluck and fellowship. For info please call 613-210-0695.
The Kawartha Lakes Health Coalition will be holding a Town Hall meeting to discuss the possible implications the new proposed Peoples Health Care Act could have on the citizens of Kawartha Lakes. The meeting will take place on Wednesday March 27th at 6 p.m. at the Faith Christian Fellowship Church, 59 Mary St. West in Lindsay.
Sunday April 14, 2019
WISH Centre- 12:30 Doors open at 11:30
$10 for a book and extra cards and specials $1
Basket Raffle during intermission
Chatham St. Andrew's United Church Women are hosting a MUFFIN PARTY AND BAKE SALE on April 13, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. A Free Will Offering is requested at the door. All are welcome.
New to yoga? Have trouble getting down on the floor and then back up? Try practicing yoga from the comfort of a chair. March 13th, 1pm