Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Fédértion de la Famille R-Y

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554939000 1554948000

Lorsqu’on pense à la retraite, on réfléchit surtout aux aspects économiques. Pourtant, la retraite est un changement de vie ayant des impacts psychologiques importants pour la personne elle-même et pour ceux qui l’entourent. Où trouver le sentiment de valorisation ? Comment vivre la transformation dans le couple ? Comment s’affirmer de manière à bien composer avec les attentes des proches ? Au cours de cette conférence, nous verrons comment mieux planifier et vivre sa retraite en tenant compte des différents facteurs psychologiques qui sont en jeu.

Cette conférence est gratuite

Salle Léon Ringuet. CÉGEP de Saint-Hyacinthe
3000, ave Boullé
J2S 1H9

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Creating Planters with Pizazz on April 22nd

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555974000 1555979400

Designing a planter that looks gorgeous and stays healthy requires a bit of planning.  Donna White of Green Things Garden, Gift & Maintenance Services will share tips for creating planters with pizazz.  All welcome.  $2 guest fee.



Brockville Wesleyan Church
33 Central Avenue
K6V 4N4

Community Event - Niagara - Youth Resources Niagara Online Auction

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553130000 1553140740
1553140800 1553227140
1553227200 1553313540
1553313600 1553392800

Youth Resources Niagara is a non profit organization that supports justice involved youth and youth in FACS care. We have two residential facilities and a variety of community programs to help support some of Niagara's most at risk population. We are hosting an online auction, the link is https://www.32auctions.com/yrn2019 You can place your bids from March 20 at 9am until March 23 at 10pm.

Follow along on our Facebook event page for more information on donors! We have something for everyone; from event tickets, to sporting events and gear, to restaurant gift cards and so much more!


Delivery within the Niagara region; pick up or shipping for out of region bidders.



Youth Resources Niagara
214 Hwy 20 East
L0S 1E6

Community Event - North Bay - Retro Video Game Exhibit/Arcade @ North Bay Museum

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552312800 1552334400

The North Bay Museum invites visitors of all ages to join us for March Break during "Game On!" Retro Video Game Exhibit and Arcade.

$5 Admission includes unlimited gaming on consoles (including Atari, Nintendo, Sega, Intellivision and more!)

North Bay Museum
100 Ferguson Street
North Bay Museum

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Seniors Dinner/Dance Social @ Windsor Moose Lodge

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552276800 1552363140

C'mon out & party every Wednesday 3-7pm. Live music, ample dinner with dessert for $6. Meet new & interesting people, chit-chat and dance, bring a friend, have an enjoyable moment at 777 Tecumseh Road West.

windsor moose lodge 1499
777 tecumseh rd w

Community Event - Niagara - 2019 War Amps Key Tag Campaign

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553486400 1553572740

War Amps key tags safeguard your keys and help support The War Amps many programs for amputees. Our annual key tag mailing begins in the Niagara Region on March 25. Visit waramps.ca to learn how you can help!

Throughout the Niagara Region
1244 Randall Ave
Niagara Region

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - 2019 War Amps Key Tag Campaign

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553486400 1553572740

War Amps key tags safeguard your keys and help support The War Amps many programs for amputees. Our annual key tag mailing begins in Cobourg/Port Hope on March 25. Visit waramps.ca to learn how you can help!

Throughout Cobourg and Port Hope
1244 Randall Ave
Cobourg & Port Hope