Community Event - Sarnia - Are you a good listener?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1546923600 1547009940

If you are a good listener and care to speak with individuals who need support and to feel connected the Family Counselling Centre wants to speak with you.

Volunteers needed to place calls to seniors and persons with disabilities who live alone and are isolated. "Tel-Check volunteers are my guardian angels".

For over 40 years volunteers have been providing telephone support to isolated seniors and individuals struggling with day to day life challenges in Sarnia Lambton.

Information sessions March 11 & 18-to register call 519-336-0120

Family Counselling Centre
1086 Modeland Rd
N7S 6L2

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Healing emotionally Damaged hearts

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552143600 1552165200

We are newly located in Cobourg, Ontario.  Freedom from emotional damaged hearts, relationships, depression etc.  

You can schedule by phone, for more information or to schedule a Free Session.  Call Sharon or Jacques at 613-242-4016.

Healing the Heart
797 Daintry Cres.
K9A 4Z3
Cobourg, On

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - March Break Sponsored Skates

Submitted by cdanby on
1551934800 1552021140
1552622400 1552708740

Tecumseh Parks & Recreation invites residents to get in motion this March Break with six free public skate sessions at the Tecumseh Arena thanks to the generous support of the Optimist Club of St. Clair Beach and Mayor Gary McNamara. 

  • Sunday, March 10, 2-3:30pm
  • Monday, March 11, 12:20-1:20pm
  • Tuesday, March 12, 2:30-3:30pm
  • Wednesday, March 13, 12:30-1:30pm
  • Thursday, March 14, 2:30-3:30pm
  • Friday, March 15, 12:30-1:30pm

Admission is based upon ice capacity and helmets are recommended. Participants must provide their own equipment. For more information visit or call the Tecumseh Parks & Recreation Department at 519-735-4756

Information on this and all Town of Tecumseh news and events is available at,, Twitter - @TownofTecumseh, and Facebook,

Community Event - Sarnia - Petrolia Soccer Club Late Registration is Open

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1551934860 1552021140
1552021200 1552107540
1552107600 1552193940
1552194000 1552276740
1552276800 1552363140
1552363200 1552449540
1552449600 1552535940
1552536000 1552622340

There has been many requests to register after the registration closing date, so Petrolia Soccer Club has re-opened the registration till March 14th. Please go to and click on the link to register.

Petrolia Soccer Club
4065 Duffern Ave

Community Event - Chatham - Spring Paw Event Proceeds go to CK Animal Rescue

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553346000 1553367600

Saturday March 23rd from 9am til 3 pm at the KBD Hall, 34 Byng Ave. Handcrafted and direct sales vendor show. Admission $2 kids 10 and under free. Raffle tickets available at a cost of $2 each or 3 for $5. Proceeds goes to CK Animal Rescue. Over 30 vendors

KBD Hall
34 Byng Ave
N7M 3E2

Événement communautaire - Drummondville - Vino & talon haut

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553383800 1553399940

Vino & talon haut
Une soirée de filles sous forme d’atelier-dégustation présentée par Forever Mlle avec comme invitée d’honneur, Martine Perreault, attachée politique de M. Andrée Lamontagne.

Deux heures de dégustation de vin, animé par un sommelier;
La découverte des mariages mets/vins avec canapé, mise en bouche et chocolat;
Apprenez à mieux choisir votre vin;
Découvrez votre palais: pourquoi préférez-vous un vin plutôt qu'un autre?

DJ Shuffle Tom sera là pour rythmer votre soirée et vous faire danser après l’atelier. C'est le moment d'enlever vos talons et lâcher votre fou!!!

Venez apprendre, déguster, fêter, danser et vous amuser… surprises et plaisir garantis!

Tous les profits de la soirées iront à la Fondation de la tablée populaire dans le cadre de la Grande Marche pour Édithe Fréchette et Claudie Boisvert.

C’est un rendez-vous le 23 mars à 19 h 30 au Centre communautaire Pierre-Lemaire
325, boul. Saint-Joseph Ouest, Drummondville

45 $ par personnes - 250 $ / table de 6 personnes
Réservation requise avant le 20 mars 819 816-8842

N.B. : Veuillez noter qu'il y aura une photographe sur place.
En participant, vous acceptez la possibilité que des images puissent être diffusées sur divers réseaux sociaux.

Centre communautaire Pierre-Lemaire
325, boul. Saint-Joseph Ouest
J2E 1M3