Community Event - Kingston - 2019 Kingston International Lecture. Mar 13 3:30-5

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552505400 1552510800

Asleep in the Arctic: The Geopolitical Risks of Canada's (in)activity in the North 

As an arctic nation, Canada has a unique opportunity in terms of access to a region with immense potential. However, Canada is not alone in this opportunity and other arctic nations such as Russia, are actively pursuing this same potential and leaving Canada behind. In addition, states such as China, which although are not geographically contiguous to the arctic, are also making claims to arctic access. In this talk, Matthew will draw on his extensive experience, reflecting on what he has observed is happening in our own backyard and what it means for our prosperity and our country.

About Matthew Fisher 

Matthew Fisher is the first Resident Visiting Scholar in defence and security at the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History and Massey College, University of Toronto, and a fellow of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. He is Canada's most experienced foreign correspondent, with 45 years of experience, having been to 172 countries and lived in Belgium, Germany, Russia (8 years in Moscow), Hong Kong, Britain, Iraq, Jerusalem and Afghanistan.  During his travels he has observed 19 wars and conflicts from Central America and Rwanda (the genocide) to Chechnya, Nagorno-Karabakh, the Balkans, the Middle East, Somalia, Timor, South Asia and Abu Sayyaf's Islamic war in Mindanao and he visited 34 of Canada's 52 Arctic communities as well as Greenland, Alaska and Siberia. He was the international affairs columnist for the Toronto-based National Post and Postmedia for 17 years. Before that he worked as a columnist for Canada’s Sun Media newspapers and as the Toronto Globe and Mail's bureau chief for Alberta and the Far North.

Robert Sutherland Hall
Room 202, Robert Sutherland Hall, Queen's University
K7L 2P1

Public Notices/Announcements - North Bay - Spring Music for Toddlers

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554818400 1554820200

The Children's Department of the North Bay Public Library is hosting a music program for toddlers (Ages 1 and 2) and their parents/caregivers on Tuesday Mornings at 10 a.m. starting on April 9 through May 28, 2019.

This program involves action songs and the use of basic rhythm instruments such as drums and shakers.

When: Tuesday mornings

Time: 10-10:30 a.m. 

Where: Children's Storyroom

Registration required and will begin on Monday March 25 at 9:30 a.m., either by phone at 705-474-4830, or in person at the Children’s desk.  Registration is limited.  Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.

Public Notices/Announcements - North Bay - Spring Preschool Storytime

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554993000 1554994800

The North Bay Public Library Children’s Department is hosting the winter session of Preschool Storytime, an interactive program of stories, songs and fingerplays for ages two and up on Thursday mornings starting April 11 through to May 30, 2019. 

When: Thursday mornings

Time: 10:30 - 11 a.m.

Place: Children's Storyroom

Registration is required and begins on Monday, January 25 at 9:30 a.m., either by phone at 705-474-4830 or in person at the Children’s desk.  Registration is limited.  Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver

Community Event - Chatham - Lake Erie Yellow Perch "Take Out Only" Dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554323400 1554330600

Sprucedale United Church is hosting a Lake Erie Yellow Perch 

"Take Out Only" Dinner

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019 from 4:30 until 6:30 p.m.

Tickets:  Adults $20 Children 12 and under $10

"Make Plan To Have Your Own Dinner Party!"

Purchase your tickets in advance.  Please call church office 519-354-0060

Sprucedale United Church
493 Victoria Avenue
N7L 3B4

Community Event - North Bay - Relay For Life 2019

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561154400 1561172400

Relay for Life is a fun and inspiring community fundraising event where Canadians across the country join together in support of a common cause. Picture yourself walking a track while hundreds of people – family, friends, co-workers and neighbours – join you to make a difference. Many have been directly affected by cancer and share a strong bond with others who experience the pain of this disease.  At the Canadian Cancer Society, we know that while cancer changes people, it doesn’t have to define them.  We believe that life is bigger than cancer.


CFB North Bay Track
Guelph St
North Bay

Community Event - North Bay - Daffodil Campaign Volunteers needed in April

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1551848400 1551934740

During our Daffodil Campaign this spring, by volunteering just a few hours by selling daffodil pins or canvassing for donations in April for the Canadian Cancer Society, you can help save lives and support local people who are living with cancer.

Join us by volunteering and together, we can prove that life is bigger than cancer. Take action now. Sign up to volunteer at, call 705-472-9072 or email Give a little time; make a big impact.

Canadian Cancer Society
176 Lakeshore Drive Unit 11
North Bay

Community Event - Niagara - Beamsville Lions Club Monthly Breakfast Buffet

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1551934800 1552021140

Beamsville Lions Club Fantastic Buffet Breakfast Sunday March 17, 2019, 9am - 1pm

All you can buffet breakfast, Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Home fries, Pancakes, French toast, Toast, Fruit cup, Juice, Coffee and Tea.

Great Prices: Adult $9, Children 6-12 $5, Children under 6 Free

Start your St. Patrick's Day right. Come join us.

Another Monthly Fundraising Event from the Beamsville and District Lions Club. Supporting great causes, Rose Cottage Visiting Volunteers and McNally House Hospice, to name a few.

Beamsville and District Lions Club Fantastic Buffet
4351 Central Avenue
Beamsville, Ontario