Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Leamington Chamber Business Coffee Break
Community Improvement Plan on Thursday, March 7, 10am-11am at Leamington Council Chambers, 111 Erie Street North.A consultation and information session with the Municipality of Leamington and Leamington District Chamner of Commerce. Free event but please register at or call 519-326-2721.
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Bicentennial Branch March General Meeting
Saturday March 23, 1pm at Church of the Epiphany, 96 Main Street West, Kingsville. Guest Speaker: Chris Carter "Black Loyalists".
Community Event - Sarnia - Tips for Caring: Living with Alzheimer’s
Presentation at St. Giles Church, 770 Lakeshore Road on Tuesday March 19th at 6:30 pm.
Christine Wright of the Alzheimer's Society of Sarnia-Lambton will discuss approaches, tips and resources for the Carepartner.
Free admission, refreshments. Call Suzanne at 519-542-2253 for more info.
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - "Earth, Mars, & Beyond!" Concert
Sunday March 31, 3pm at Banwell Community Church. 2400 Banwell Rd. Featuring a performance of "The Mars Underground" with guests Bob Steele (Narrator) and Anita Leshied (Harp). Tickets: $15 ($10 senior/student). For more info call (519) 995-0727 or visit
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Essex Orchid Society Meeting
Monthly Orchid Society meeting on Sunday, March 10, 1:30pm @ St Stephen's Anglican Church Hall, 5280 Howard. Discussions, presentations, refreshments. All are welcome.
Événement communautaire - Saint-Georges - Partie de cartes
Partie de cartes organisée par les Filles d’Isabelle du Cercle Élisabeth Leseur
Dimanche le 17 mars 2019 au sous-sol de l’église l’Assomption de 13 h 30 à 16 h.
Bienvenue à tous.
Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Brassia Group Presentation
The March 13th meeting of the Niagara Regional Orchid Society at Holy Rosary Church Hall, 35 Queen St Thorold will feature a presentation by Inga Poot on the Brassia Group. Starts at 7:30 pm. All are welcome.