Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554654600 1554663600

The Our Lady of Hungary Church will be holding its annual spring luncheon at the Hungarian Hall, corner of Hellems Ave. and Park St. in Welland.  The luncheon will take place on Sunday April 7, 2019 at 12:30 p.m.  The menu will include Chicken Soup with noodles, Cabbage Rolls, Breaded Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Dessert and Coffee/Tea.   Tickets:   Adults:  $22.00,  Children under 12:  $11.00.

For tickets, please call Les Ujfalussy at 905-892-6407 or Frank Biro at 905-732-7336.  



Hungarian Hall
361 Hellems Avenue
L3B 3C3

Community Event - Niagara - Royal Canadian Legion Br. 24 Fish Fry

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1551477600 1551484800
1552082400 1552089600
1552683600 1552690800
1553288400 1553295600
1553893200 1553900400

Also Baked Fish & Potato & Take-Out. Everyone is Welcome!

Royal Canadian Legion Br. 24
15 George St. (Lower Level)
L2R 5N1
St. Catharines

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Corned Beef Dinner at Bedford United Church

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1551157200 1551243540

Join us for a Traditional Corned Beef Dinner with all the fixings, March 16th from 5p-7p at Bedford United Church.  Tickets are $15.00 adult/$6.00 under 12yrs; purchase at the door. Take-out is available We are fully accessible with ample parking in rear off Russell St. Don't miss an opportunity to enjoy a delicious dinner with some great people! Call  519-256-1131 or visit


Bedford United Church
3340 Sandwich St
N9C 1B1

Événement communautaire - Thetford Mines - Centre Régional du Deuil

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1551724200 1551731400

Le Centre Régional du Deuil, situé au 390 rue Labbé, invite les personnes endeuillées à sa rencontre mensuelle gratuite.

Lundi le 4 mars 2019 à 13h30

Thème: «Le lâcher-prise» avec Mme Nicole Gagné Jacques

Pour information: Véronique Jacques, tél: 418-335-3408

Centre Régional du Deuil
390 rue Labbé
G6G 1Z3
Thetford Mines

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Filles d'Isabelle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1551825000 1551837600

Souper fraternel le mardi 5 mars à 17 h 30 au sous-sol de l'église St-Laurent, rue de Malapart à Trois-Rivières. Il sera suivi de notre réunion mensuelle à 19 h 30.  On soulignera la St-Patrick (le vert sera à l'honneur). Bienvenue à toutes! Cartes de membres disponibles.  Information : 819 372-0282.

Sous-Sol église St-Laurent
1705, rue de Malapart
g8y 6c6

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - K of C Fish Fry

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552683600 1552690800
1553893200 1553900400

March 15 & 29 at the St. Cyril Slovak Centre, Seminole at Chandler from 5-7 pm. $15 per ticket. Call 519-254-8431 for ticket information.

St. Cyril Slovak Centre
1520 Chandler
N8Y 4P7