Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Memory Loss: Enhancing Our Understanding
- Read more about Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Memory Loss: Enhancing Our Understanding
The Belleville Public Library and Alzheimer’s Society of HPEC will give a session entitled Memory Loss: Enhancing Our Understanding on Mon. March 25 from 6-7 PM. This one-hour session will cover the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s, resources for caregivers, and much more.
For more Information on this free event, please call 613-968-6731 x2037
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Brentwood Fish Fry Fundraiser Dinner & Raffle
Everyone Welcome! Doors open from 12:00 noon until 6:00 pm and food served from 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm
Dinner tickets are $25.00 in advance (available at Brentwood Recovery Home - Administration) and $30.00 at the door
Raffle will commence at 6:00 pm with 3 Draws
Draw #1 $1,000
Draw #2 $2,000
Draw #3 $3,000
Concert Choir, Wednesday February 20th at 8:00pm. Our lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. 280 Lourdesview Drive, Pembroke.
Free entry, food bank donation appreciated.
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Monthly Pasta Diner at St. Paul's Church Essex
Friday March 1st - Monthly pasta dinner at St Paul's Anglican Church Essex (92 St Paul Street) from 5-6:30pm. Adults $10, Children 6-12 $5 and children 5 and under are free! Takeout is available
Community Event - North Bay - Dinner-Auction at Grande Events Centre March 23
March 23: Dinner-Auction at the Grand Events Centre starting at 5:30 p.m. Honoured guests are Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada and Anne Germond Archbishop of Algoma and Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario. Archbishop Germond will also be the auctioneer. Monies raised will go to the three Anglican Churches in North Bay and their numerous Outreach programs.Tickets are $45 per person with a $20 tax receipt. Call 705-472-6070 for more information or for tickets.
Community Event - Niagara - Egg Exploration Event at the St. Catharines Market
In this FREE city ran event, participants of all ages will learn about eggs and get decorating tips for this coming Easter. In this interactive workshop, they will have an opportunity to decorate their own egg (plastic) and / Easter basket (recycled strawberry baskets).
Community Event - North Bay - Pancake Supper
The Men's Group at St. John the Divine Anglican Church, 301 Main St. E., is hosting a Pancake Supper from 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets are: Adults $10, Students $8, Children six to 12 $5 and children under six eat for free. A gluten free option is available. Call 705-472-6070 for tickets.
Community Event - Belleville - Maple Ridge Women's Institute Meeting
Maple Ridge Women's Institute will meet on Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 1 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion (upstairs) at 26 Mill St. E, Napanee
Program: Education Issues For information, call 613 354-9898