Community Event - Cornwall - Annual St Patrick's Day Dinner and Dance
Royal Canadian Legion Annual St Patrick's Day Dinner and Dance, Irish Stew $8.00 or Corned beef and Cabbage $11.00. March 17th, 3pm - 10pm. Entertainment with Brian Graham
Royal Canadian Legion Annual St Patrick's Day Dinner and Dance, Irish Stew $8.00 or Corned beef and Cabbage $11.00. March 17th, 3pm - 10pm. Entertainment with Brian Graham
From October 6 - November 2, 2018, participating Shoppers locations collected donations for WWWWIW. On February 20, 2019, Shoppers Drug Mart will be visiting WWWWIW to present us with the donation check. This is a huge donation for WWWWIW, that will certainly help us to succeed in our service delivery. We encourage media outlets to attend. Details can be found below:
Date: Wednesday February 20, 2019
Time: 11:00 am
Location: 1368 Ouellette Ave. Windsor ON. N8X 1J9. 4th floor, suite 406
Shoppers Drug Mart is supporting The Windsor Women Working With Immigrant Women through their Growing Women's Health in-store campaign. People were able to show support by making a donation at some specific Shoppers locations in the city. 100% of proceeds will go toward The Windsor Women Working With Immigrant Women. SHOPPERSLOVEYOU #SHOPPERSLOVEYOU
Ryan Lalonde Roast Beef Dinner and Magic Show
Dinner at 5:00 PM Show to Follow Limited tickets available
Get ready for a fun-filled week with the Thames Art Gallery March Break ART Camp - A Pocket Full of Paint Brushes!
Make a Splash with a pocket full of paint brushes! Possibilities abound in March Break Art Camp!
Doodle it, draw it, paint it with abundance! Work with an arsenal of creative tools like markers, pencils, and pens to stamps, stencils, inks, clay and paints. Find unique ways to make your mark. Tons of artful fun and games galore.
Date: Monday-Friday, March 11-15, 2019
Time: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Location: Studio Two, Chatham Cultural Centre
Age: 6-12
Fee: $127.00
Code: 218540
How to Register:
Call: 519.360.1998
In person: The Cultural Centre or Municipal Centre
Saturday, February 23rd from 9am - 1pm
Carmichael United Church
521 Four Mile Lake Rd. North Bay, ON
Muffins, Sandwiches, Tea or Coffee
Contact 705-472-5931
Monday Evenings: 7pm - 8:30pm
Tuesday Mornings: 9:45am - 11:15am
Register for our 10 week sessions
$50/member or $60/non-member
Maureen 705-476-0890
Monday & Wednesday 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Benefits: meet new people, feel more relaxed, sleep better, more energy, reduced aches & pains, stronger muscles and bones, relax & reduce stress
March 16th.
Open bonspiel composed of 4 person teams with 2 not having more than 3 years curling experience.
Two 6 end games, lunch and prizes included in entry fee of $140 per team. Festive dress encouraged.
Registration the the Chatham Granite Club office 519-352-4324 or
Do you live alone?
Would you, or they like a contact call each day?
A telephone reassurance program that will telephone each day to ensure all is well.
The R.U.O.K Program is FREE and confidential.
Phone 705-474-6520
Operated by the North Bay Golden Age Club
À cette occasion, l’invitée Mme. Manon Laplante montrera comment réaliser des Papillons pour moustiquaire ou réfrigérateur et un cadre belle madame.
Le coût de participation à l’atelier est de 7$. De plus pour apprendre les techniques le matériel sera vendu 7$.
Chaque participante devra apporter : nappe de plastique, napperon blanc ou uni, extension, fusil à coller, bâtons de colle, ciseaux, règle, pinceaux de différentes grosseurs avec manche de plastique de couleur, stylet, crayon de plomb, stylo, efface, sharpie pointe fine 1 rouge et un noir, sharpie un peu plus gros noir permanent, guenille ou essuie tout, papier pour prendre des notes, carton pour tracer des patrons, papier d’emballage pour projet fait.
1 grosse bouteille de liqueur en plastic transparente vide
1 toile épaisse 8 pouces par 10 pouces
Apportez votre lunch pour dîner, le café sera servi toute la journée. Le nombre de places étant limité à 15, réservez tôt auprès de Claire Plante Verville au 819 538-6909.