Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - St. Patrick Dance, Hanley Hall, March 15, 7pm-11pm
Featuring Turpin's Trail, enjoy great music and dancing. LCBO licensed event.
Irish stew will be served.
Presented by St Francis de Sales/Blessed Sacrament Parish &
The Catholic Women's League
Advanced tickets only: $15 call Karen at 613-283-0676
Community Event - Sarnia - PICKEREL DINNER. Friday, April 19. 2019.
St. Joseph - St Charles Catholic Parish, Lyndock St., Corunna is hosting a Pickerel Dinner Friday, April 19, 2019.
Pickerel, Baked Potato, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Coffee, Tea, Dinner Rolls, plus all of the fixings.
Cost is: Adults $20.00, Children (10 and Under) $10.00.
Two Seating's Available: 4:30 - 5:30pm or 6:00 - 7:15pm
ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY . Take Outs are Available.
For tickets please call; Butch - 519-336-6858, Jay - 519-862-3741 or Nancy 519-481-0337.
All Proceeds to Parish Projects.
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Dinner with Margaret Atwood & Steve Burrows
Tickets for our most exclusive fundraiser of the year are now available, and we hope you will join us for this memorable event. Steve Burrows’s interest in birds and nature began in the urban parks around his childhood home in Birmingham, UK. After immigrating to Canada, Steve worked as a high school teacher before relocating to Hong Kong with his wife, Resa, where he became editor of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Magazine, and a contributing field editor with Asian Geographic.
Steve has written freelance articles on travel and environmental issues for a number of publications including BBC Wildlife (UK), Action Asia (Singapore), Globe and Mail (Canada), South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) and Melbourne Age (Australia). He began writing fiction on his return to Canada, and his first novel, A Siege of Bitterns, was a Globe & Mail Top 100 Books of the year selection and won the 2015 Crime Writers of Canada award for Best First Novel. The other novels in the Birder Murder series are A Pitying of Doves (2015), A Cast of Falcons (2016), A Shimmer of Hummingbirds (2017), and A Tiding of Magpies (2018). The newest Birder Murder, A Dance of Cranes will be published in June of this year.
The program for the evening will feature Margaret Atwood’s introduction of Steve Burrows, Steve’s talk, a gourmet dinner prepared by the chefs at Beach Grove in the club’s stately dining room and a live auction facilitated by Peter Hrastovec. Paul Vasey will be our animated M.C for the evening. The auction is always a lively affair and no two years feature the same items, but there is always something unique donated by Ms Atwood. At the end of the evening, there will be book signings by Steve and Margaret. Books will be available for purchase on site from Biblioasis Books. All proceeds from the dinner and the auction go directly towards supporting PIBO’s research on migration monitoring and our education program. Please join us at the Beach Grove Golf and Country Club on May 8. Tickets are $125 and a portion of the ticket price is eligible for a tax deduction. Reception is at 6 PM and dinner at 7 PM. There will be complimentary wine at each table. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Community Event - Belleville - Trade Show - First Friday in April
A vendor event is happening on First Friday in April at Bayside Mall (with the entrance off of Christina Street - just South of the Imperial Theatre). There will be an assortment of items to purchase from 25 different vendors.
We will be having live entertainment from a fantastic duo - Rain & Paul
We will be serving Chili, Chili dogs and Chili in a bag (similar to taco's in a bag)as well. Hope to see you there. All proceeds from this event will be going towards Harmony for Youth.
Public Notices/Announcements - Brockville/Prescott - Fort Town Concert Association presentation
The Fort Town Concert Association will close 36 years of presenting concerts with a Jeunesses Musicales Canada production of Offenbach's comic opera La belle Hélène. It will take place on Friday March 29th, 7:30 pm at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Prescott.
Directed by Alain Gauthier and featuring a cast made up of the best young opera talent in the country, La belle Hélène is full of humour, plot twists, and wit. In three acts the opera describes the zany strategies used by the Greek prince and hero Paris to woe Helen, the ravishing queen of Sparta whose love was promised
by the goddess Venus. Paris shows little consideration for Helen’s timid attempts at resisting his seductive advances nor is he deterred by the fact that she is already married to King Menelas.
The role of Pâris is sung by Mathieu Abel, tenor; Hélène is sung by Maude Côté-Gendron, mezzo-soprano; Oreste by Charlotte Gagnon, mezzo-soprano; Calchas by David Turcotte, bass-baritone; Agamemnon by Dominic Veilleux, baritone; and Ménélas by Richard-Nicolas Villeneuve, tenor. Bryce Lansdell will accompany on the piano. Don’t miss this fantastic production complete with sets, costumes, lighting, and surtitles.
The evening is sponsored by Dr. Kim Hanson, Dr. James Holmes, Dr. Lance McIntosh and Dr. Gauri Shankar. FTCA is very grateful to its many patrons for their very generous support over the years.
Tickets at the door : Adults: $30. Students have free admission.
Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Club des Aînés de St-Tite
Soirée dansante avec Madame Ginette Provencher à 19 h 30, le samedi le 2 mars au 480 boulevard Saint-Joseph à
Saint-Tite. Information : 418 365-7368.
Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Club des Aînés de St-Tite
Soirée dansante avec Monsieur Léon Aubry à 19 h 30, le samedi le 23 février au 480 boulevard Saint-Joseph à
Saint-Tite information : 418 365-7368.