Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - The Windsor-Essex Housing and Homelessness Survey
The City of Windsor is looking for your input as we review our Housing and Homelessness Plan. For the past five years, Windsor-Essex has been at the forefront of implementing approaches and policies that will help establish a housing system that gives everyone the opportunity to have a quality, safe, affordable and accessible home.
Through the current Housing and Homelessness Plan, Windsor-Essex has improved access to emergency housing and housing support services; increased housing options to meet the needs of vulnerable individuals and families; and, through partnerships with community groups and organizations, assisted people in obtaining the supports needed to obtain and maintain housing.
However, there is still work to do …
This spring, an updated plan, The Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan will be developed. An integral part of this process is reviewing the work completed so far. We are asking for the community’s help to identify current housing and homelessness needs within Windsor-Essex and ideas to address those needs in our region.
The Windsor-Essex Housing and Homelessness Survey will be open until February 10, 2019 and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Please visit