Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - The Windsor-Essex Housing and Homelessness Survey

Submitted by cdanby on
1548738000 1548824340

The City of Windsor is looking for your input as we review our Housing and Homelessness Plan. For the past five years, Windsor-Essex has been at the forefront of implementing approaches and policies that will help establish a housing system that gives everyone the opportunity to have a quality, safe, affordable and accessible home. 

Through the current Housing and Homelessness Plan, Windsor-Essex has improved access to emergency housing and housing support services; increased housing options to meet the needs of vulnerable individuals and families; and, through partnerships with community groups and organizations, assisted people in obtaining the supports needed to obtain and maintain housing.

However, there is still work to do …

This spring, an updated plan, The Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan will be developed. An integral part of this process is reviewing the work completed so far. We are asking for the community’s help to identify current housing and homelessness needs within Windsor-Essex and ideas to address those needs in our region.  

The Windsor-Essex Housing and Homelessness Survey will be open until February 10, 2019 and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Please visit

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Greg Frewin Imagine Tour Live

Submitted by cdanby on
1548738000 1548824340

January 11, 7:30pm (doors open 7pm) at The Capitol Theatre, 121 University Ave.   

Diabetes is a serious disease. Eleven million Canadians live with diabetes or prediabetes today – that’s one in three of us.  And another is diagnosed with diabetes every three minutes. Canada is facing a diabetes epidemic that is taking a monumental toll on our health.  It’s time to do more – much more. To shine the light on the epidemic and rally Canadians, the Canadian Diabetes Association became Diabetes Canada in February 2017.  As the need is enormous and growing by leaps and bounds – we urgently need to achieve greater impact.  By speaking with a stronger, clearer voice, Diabetes Canada will raise the profile of diabetes and bring more Canadians to our cause. Proceeds from this event will go to support Diabetes Canada’s mission to help lead the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while they work to find a cure.

Get tickets at the door for $30 each or call for big family discounts in advance! TICKET AND INFORMATION LINE 1-800-516-5810

Public Notices/Announcements - Brockville/Prescott - Ontario Genealogical Society Monthly Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1549931400 1549935000

The February meeting of Leeds Grenville branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society will be held on Monday February 11th at 7:30 pm. at the Brockville Museum. Program for this meeting will be “A Talk with One of Your Ancestors”  - If you could sit down with one of your ancestors, who would you pick and what would you like to ask?  Come prepared to participate in this activity or just come and listen while others share! Everyone is welcome to attend. 

Community Event - Kingston - Homemade Soup & Sandwich Lunch

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1550248200 1550253600

Friday February 15, 2019 

11:30 am to 1:00 pm

St, Paul's Parish Hall on the corner of Queen and Montreal Streets

Homemade Soup & Sandwich, Tea or Coffee $5.00 Dessert $1.00

Take-out available

St Paul's Anglican Church
187 Queen Street
K7K 1A8

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Demande de jeunes bénévoles

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1548946800 1548982800
1549551600 1549587600
1550156400 1550192400
1550156400 1550192400

La Médiathèque maskoutaine est à la recherche de jeunes bénévoles du secondaire pour la Bibliothèque T.-A.-St-Germain dans le cadre du programme Générations@branchées qui offre la possibilité à un jeune de donner des formations informatiques à un adulte.

Selon tes connaissances, tu pourras donner une formation sur Facebook, l'utilisation du courriel, comment naviguer sur Internet, etc. Si tu veux en en savoir plus, nous t’invitons à consulter ce site :

Ça t’intéresse? Des formulaires de candidature sont disponibles au comptoir des deux bibliothèques de la Médiathèque maskoutaine. Tu peux aussi contacter Nathalie Lespérance au 450 773-18730, poste 25.

Bibliothèque T.-A.-St-Germain
2720, rue Dessaulles
J2S 2v7

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Assemblée générale annuelle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1550102400 1550106000

L’assemblée générale annuelle se veut une soirée d’information sur les activités tenues au cours de l’année 2018 et les orientations pour l’année 2019 au centre communautaire Saint-Joseph.  C’est un moment privilégié pour vous de prendre la parole et donner votre opinion sur ce qui se passe votre notre milieu.

Comme le développement d’une vie communautaire active se doit de partir de l’implication populaire, nous sommes à la recherche de bénévoles.  Que se soit pour siéger au conseil d’administration ou à l’un de nos comités organisateurs, dont l’organisation du camp de jour et de la programmation d’automne, nous avons besoin des gens du milieu.

Il est important que vous sachiez que devenir administrateur au sein de votre Corporation de loisir est un choix personnel volontaire et que le fait d’être présent à l’assemblée générale annuelle ne vous oblige pas à devenir membre du conseil d’administration ou d’un comité.  Ce sera plutôt pour vous une occasion de rencontrer les administrateurs 2018, de constater du dynamisme qui anime notre équipe et de voir si vous avez le désir de vous impliquer dans votre collectivité.

L'assemblée générale annuelle est ouverte aux résidents du quartier Saint-Joseph, âgés de 18 ans et plus.  

Centre communautaire Saint-Joseph
950 rue Desranleau Est
J2T 2L6