Événement communautaire - Drummondville - Club marche Promenades DRMVL

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1549459800 1549462500

Déjeuner-conférence de Mme. Francine Bernier , elle viendra nous présenter l'organisme, au elle fait son bénévolat, Le Tremplin de DRMVL Nous sommes intéressés à connaître les buts et les besoins de ce regroupement. Nous vous attendons avec plaisir.

Club de Marche les Promenades Drummondville
755 boulevard René Lévesque
J2C 6Y7

Événement communautaire - Magog - Exposition d'artisanat

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553349600 1553371200

Une exposition d'artisanat et arts visuels se tiendra à Magog en mars.  Si vous êtes artiste ou artisan et désirez exposer vos oeuvres, n'hésitez pas à nous joindre via le courriel retraitemagog@gmail.com.  Les frais de location de table sont de 40$. La date limite d'inscription est le 15 février.

95 Merry N,
95 Merry N,
J1X 2E7

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - La clé de l'amitié

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1549170000 1549256340


Association pour personnes seules de 50 ans et plus

Rencontres déjeuners les dimanches à 9 h 30 au Mondo Resto-Bar au 120, rue des Forges (2e étage), Trois-Rivières.

Prochain déjeuner : 3 février

Prochaine activité : Souper le samedi 9 février à 18 h au restaurant La Pizzéria du Lac inc. au 700, route de Lac-à-la-Tortue, Lac-à-la-Tortue Musique, chanteur en soirée. Possibilité de covoiturage. Confirmer votre présence au plus tard le dimanche 3 février avant 21 h au responsable Jacques Corriveau au 819 539-1978.


Événement communautaire - Mauricie - AFMCQ

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1550773800 1550781000

Café-rencontre avec la SRAADD (organisme en défense de droits), jeudi le 21 février à 13 h 30.

Gratuit pour les membres. Endroit : CSSS de Shawinigan, 1705, Avenue Georges, salle R5D à Shawinigan.

Inscriptions : 819 371-1458 ou 1 866 371-1458.

CSSS de Shawinigan
1705, Avenue Georges, salle R5D

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - EWI Provides Scholarship to Local ASIST

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1548046800 1548133140
1550725200 1550811540

The Detroit-Windsor Chapter of Executive Women International (EWI), announced its 2019 scholarship program, ASIST (Adult Students in Scholastic Transition). The program provides financial support and guidance to adult residents in the tri-county area who are in a variety of transitional situations.  Scholarships range from $2,000 -$5,000.  Online applications are available at ewidetroitwindsor.org and will be accepted through March 22, 2019.

Selection criteria include financial need, socially, physically, and economically disadvantaged adults, displaced homemakers and heads of household with small children.

 EWI hopes this award will enable each recipient to achieve self-esteem and positively impact an individual's personal life, employment, family and community.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Town of Essex Seeking Youth Council Members

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1548046800 1548133140
1549602000 1549688340

The Town of Essex is putting the call out to local students interested in serving as Youth Council Members.

The new term of Council will appoint two Youth Council Members to serve terms of up to two years. One Youth Council Member will be appointed to represent Wards 1 and 2 (Colchester North/Essex Centre) and Wards 3 and 4 (Colchester South/Harrow, McGregor, Colchester).

Youth Council Members attend, participate and report in regular meetings of Town Council for the purpose of bringing a youth perspective to the Council table.

“Serving as a Youth Council Member is a great opportunity for students to get involved and develop their knowledge of local government,” said Robert Auger, Town Clerk and Manager of Legislative Services. “While they do not vote on Council motions, they are free to advocate for their community and bring relevant issues to the table for debate.”

To be eligible for this volunteer role, the youth must be a resident of the Town of Essex and under the age of eighteen years old. They must also be currently enrolled as a full-time student in school. Hours dedicated to Youth Council work may also go towards high school diploma volunteer requirements.

Students interested in being appointed as a Youth Member of Essex Town Council are encouraged to submit their names in writing, along with a brief outline of their experience and why they are interested in serving as a Youth Member to the Town Clerk no later than Friday, February 8.

Students can also submit their name and expression of interest online at www.essex.ca/YouthCouncilApp

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Another WORLD Premiere for WSO

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1548046800 1548133140
1548478800 1548565140

Upcoming performance of Scylla by Jordan Pal marks WSO’s 5th premiere in three years; speaks volume of commitment to great music making.

For 71 years the Windsor Symphony Orchestra has been dedicated to the performance of music in its highest quality - from Bach, to Beethoven, and beyond.  This dedication includes featuring new works by talented composers and performances by the best soloists in the orchestral field.  Continuing its commitment to excellence, the Windsor Symphony Orchestra features another World Premiere, the fifth in three years, in its next concert on January 26th, 2019.

The world premiere of Toronto-based composer Jordan Pal’s work Scylla: Concerto for Trombone and Orchestra features Gordon Wolfe (Toronto Symphony Orchestra Principal Trombonist) illustrates the WSO’s continuous relationship with great music and musicians.  This is the third work by Pal that the WSO has performed and the 2nd work the WSO premiered (Fallen by Pal was premiered in the 2017/2018 season).

French Connections

Saturday, January 26th, 8pm

Pre-Concert Talk with Robert Franz, 7:00PM

Capitol Theatre

Tickets can be purchased online at www.windsorsymphony.com, in person at the box office (121 University Ave. W), or on the phone by calling (519) 973 – 1238 ext. 2.