Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - Peterborough Astronomy, Monthly Mtg.-Riverview Zoo
The Peterborough Astronomical Association will hold its regular monthly meeting, which take place on the first Friday of the month, on January 4th. The meeting location is the Rotary Education Centre/Guest Services Building, Riverview Park Zoo, Peterborough.
The PAA will once again resume “Novice Astronomy Classes”. The classes will introduce you to equipment, software and many other astronomy related subjects at a very basic level. You will get hands-on with equipment and learn to use it and other tools of astronomy. You will also learn to locate constellations, stars, planets and other objects in the sky. Those interested, should be at the above mentioned meeting location by 6:00 p.m. The classes will run about 45 minutes each session, before our regular meetings.
Our monthly meeting will be starting at 7:00 p.m.
This month’s meeting promises to be a good meeting for all those who already own a telescope and want to know how to look after it. Member, Rodger Forsyth, will be discussing the does and don’t of cleaning your telescope. This could be very timely advice for those who use their gear. Don’t miss this talk if you own a telescope, it may help protect your investment and its future use. Even if you don’t have a telescope why not come out and learn more about this hobby.
There will be a Sky This Month segment to learn what is coming up in the skies in the near future. There will also be another instalment of Gadget Corner, where we learn about some little thing in the hobby that can make our lives easier, or if nothing else, more interesting. Come check it out.
There will be the usual opportunities to come and check out the PAA and all it has to offer, at no cost. This is an all ages meeting and the venue is barrier free.