Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Sponsor of the Day
Dairy Queen Cornwall
Dairy Queen Cornwall
Claude R. Mainville (May 21, 1940 - December 1, 1985) Lovingly remembered by wife, Carole & children
Tandem offre des services d'aide individuelle aux parents d'adolescent qui vivent des difficultés aux niveau de l'encadrement ou de la communication auprès de leur jeune. Nos services sont confidentiels et gratuits. Nous offrons également un service d'aide individuelle pour les jeunes de 12 à 30 ans. 418-480-1663
Saturday December 8th @6:00pm, Doors open @ 5:00pm Featuring Sherkston Trinity Singers Menu: Salad, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Roll/Butter, Dessert, Coffee & Tea For Tickets; Gayle 289-402-5160, Shirley 905-894-1714, Bruce 905-894-2327 Adults $17.00, Children $8.00, At The Crystal Ridge Community Centre, 99 Ridge Rd. S., Crystal Beach
ComForCare will be on hand to make a presentation about home care. Covering 5 hot topics.
Dozens of Christmas cookies $6 a dozen. Saturday December 8th, 2019 10 am to 12 noon. Emmanuel United Church (former St Andre's building) 441 Rubidge St, door off of parking lot. Tea Room Free admission.
A candlelight carol service will be held at Blue Church Sun. 9th Dec. at 3:30pm. Dress warmly and bring flash lights as there is no heat or electricity. A freewill offering will help to maintain Blue Church. Everyone is invited to the Red George Pub afterward. For information contact John Harding (613) 925-5805
HIGH SCHOOL REUNION for Welland High & Vocational School alumni
"It's been 10 years since we gathered so let's get together again”
Save the Date….
Saturday Aug 10, 2019 – Club Richelieu in Welland
Check us out on Facebook Welland High & Vocational School
Or ….more details to follow, spread the word…
TV Bingo airs 7:00 to 8:00 pm on Wednesdays on YourTV (Channels 12 and 700), with a break in the summer for July and August. Players can check the YourTV schedule for any changes.
Bingo Envelopes are $6.00 each and can be purchased at 25 retail outlets in North Bay and Callander, including Mac’s, Lucky 13, and Wingate Lotteries (Northgate). For the complete list of outlets visit our website.
Proceeds from the Rotary bingos are largely targeted towards supporting children and youth with special needs in the community and surrounding areas. This includes Nipissing Association of Disabled Youth (NADY), One Kids Place, Rotary Club’s Children’s Committee and Rotary’s Camp Tillicum.
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline 1-888-230-3505
Lottery Licence # M799820
Consultez la programmation Hiver 2018 du CCDS au ou à l'administration du CCDS en version papier. Les inscriptions débute dès le 3 décembre, et ce, jusqu'au 21 décembre 2018. Ils reprendront dès le 7 janvier pour une dernière semaine.
Début des cours: Semaine du 14 janvier 2019
Pour toute questions, contactez le coordonnateur, Philippe Gagnon-Proulx, au 819-478-0202 poste 20.