Public Notices/Announcements - Hawkesbury (Français) - CSDCEO
Join us at the Port Hope Public Library this Sunday November 25 for Santa and a choral sing-along with St. Mary Secondary choir members! There'll be crafts and snacks too!
I guess the word is out - Our traditional family friendly, and completely zany Pantomime is THE PLACE TO BE this December. Tickets for the Saturday and Sunday matinees are selling out. Luckily we have 3 evening performances to choose from. Round up the troops and get your tickets. You don't want to be the only one in town to miss all the fun!
This year, we take on a classic French fairy tale: Beauty and the Beast by Ben Crocker. Featuring some audience favourites such as the Dame, a principal boy who’s a girl and a trusty animal sidekick in Felix the poodle, this show is hilariously funny and touchingly tender at the same time. And don't forget - audience participation is expected!!
It's our way of ending our season of plays with, not a whimper, but with a loud, uproarious cheer! And remember, this is your last chance to use up your 2018 Vouchers!!
Share in the sights and sounds of the season at Heritage House Museum, Smiths Falls!
Homemade cider and festive sweets
37th annual art show and sale
Bake oven samples
Musical guests
Children's crafts
Holiday Gift Shop
And a special visit from a 'jolly old soul'
Admission is $5 (ages 12 & up) and everyone is welcome!