Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Harvest Bingo at Activity Haven, Oct 26, 6:30 p.m.
fundraising bingo at Activity Haven
fundraising bingo at Activity Haven
lunch and salute for Remembrance Day at Activity Haven
talent show, October 20, 6 p.m.
On Friday October 19 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, October 20 at 2 and 7 p.m., Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat will be presented at St. John's United Church, 32 Park St, Brockville. Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for students and children. Tickets available at the Church or at the door the day and time of performance.
This concerts features Joseph Herbison, Allison Hess, Chris Coyea and the St. John's United Church Choir along with musical director Anne Landon and directed by Harold Hess.
annual Fundraising Christmas bazaar
Kingston's semi- retired Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Oncology at Queen's University, Dr. Michael Hefferon will be discussing his book, Of Plagues and Vampires at the Brockville Public Library at 2 p.m., on Saturday, October 27.
Hear about the many myths, believable or factual and the role they play in medicine.
Questions such as did Vampires really exist? Is a gluten-free diet good for us? Can wearing sunscreen really protect us from skin cancer?
Learn more about the 33 medical myths which have been explored.
Currently, Of Plagues and Vampires copies are for sale at the Library for the entire month of October.
This speaking engagement is free to the public.
Le Bazar Assomption organise une vente EXCLUSIVE d'articles et de décorations de Noêl, le samedi 3 novembre de 9h à 12h, au sous-sol de l'église Assomption-de-Notre-Dame, au 12960 av. Wilson (entrée rue Bernard).
Apportez vos sacs ! Bienvenue à tous ! Venez voir toutes nos trouvailles !
Yoga sur chaise, conférence avec Mme Jennifer Sunde le 13 octobre 2018. Après le déjeuner, à 8h30 à la Casa Flora, St-Hyac. Elle nous entretiendra sur les bienfaits, relaxation, méditation, exercices et plus encore. Facture individuelle. Réservation au 450-778-2572 ext. 6331. Nous vous rappellerons pour confirmer. Merci et bienvenue à tous.
Jeunesse en santé vous invite à la Nuit des Sans-Abri le vendredi le 19 octobre de 19h à 23h au Parc Puyjalon. Breuvages chauds seront servis lors de cette activité de sensibilisation à l'itinérance. De plus, un feu sera allumé pour nous tenir au chaud et des artistes apporteront leurs couleurs à l’événement.