Public Notices/Announcements - Sarnia - SARNIA ROCK & FOSSIL CLUB MONTHLY MEETING

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1539387000 1539392400

The Sarnia Rock & Fossil Club will be holding its monthly meeting at 7:30 pm on Friday, October 12 at Twin Lakes Terrace Retirement Home (1310 Murphy Road - between Errol and Michigan).   A silent auction will be held.  For more information contact Mary at 519-869-2003 or Ivan at


Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Artisans du Centre-Mauricie

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1539144000 1539230340

Le prochain atelier présenté par le Regroupement des Artisans du Centre-Mauricie aura lieu le 10 octobre au Centre Communautaire St-Jean Bosco,

situé au 1580, 10e avenue Grand-Mère de 10 h à 16 h.


À cette occasion, l’invitée Mme. Clémence Déziel montrera comment réaliser un sapin avec branches et une rose en écorce de bois. Le coût de participation à l’atelier est de 7$. De plus pour apprendre les techniques, le matériel vous sera vendu au coût de 10$.


Chaque participante devra apporter : nappe de plastique, extension, fusil à coller, bâtons de colle, ciseaux, pince coupante, 1 mètre de ruban de Noël de 2 pouces de large, 1 mètre de ruban de ½ pouce de large et 12 mini boules ou petites déco miniatures.


Apportez votre lunch pour dîner, le café sera servi toute la journée. Le nombre de places étant limité à 15, réservez tôt auprès de Claire Plante Verville au 819 538-6909.


Centre Communautaire École St-Jean Bosco
1580- 10 e avenue
G9T 1V4
Shawinigan (secteur Grand-Mère)

Community Event - Niagara - Job Gym Fort Erie - Free Job Search Help

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1537848000 1537934340

Job Gym Employment Services

Need a Job?  You can get help at the Job Gym from qualified Employment Counsellors and Job Developers at no cost to you.  We can help you with resume creation, job applications, accessing the hidden job market, interview skills, exploring new careers, apprenticeship information, free seminars: ESA&OHSA Awareness, Career Exploration, WHMIS Awareness, Ready, Set, Go!.  We also offer affordable certificate training for Smart Serve $35, National Safe Food Handling $50, CPR and First Aid Training $90 (2 Day Course).  We also have free computer usage and faxing for employment.  Our hours of operation are Mondays 8:30 am to 6:00 pm and Tuesday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.  Come drop in our office at 469 Central Avenue, Fort Erie, ON or contact our office at 905-871-3932 to make an appointment time.  We look forward to helping you.

Job Gym
469 Cnetral Avenue
L2A 3T8
Fort Erie

Community Event - Sarnia - BALLAGH BUNCH CONCERT SAT. OCT. 20, AT 7 PM

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1537887600 1537927200

Enjoy a night of lively celtic style singing and dancing, at Victoria Hall Petrolia, 411 Greenfield St. on Saturday October 20th at 7:00 pm.  Presented by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church.  Tickets are $25 - Call 519-882-1221, or 1-800-717-7694 or, or at VPP box office.  Portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Petrolia Food Bank.  Come and enjoy a night of toe tapping music!

Victoria Hall
411 Greenfield St.
N0N 1R0