Community Event - Belleville - "AUTUMN CELEBRATION" - A Sacred Classical Concert
This Sacred Classical Concert features pipe organist Andre Knevel, just back from a European tour, along with Liselotte Rokyta, who wows audience on the pan flute. This is a return engagement, after a very successful concert at St. Andrew's Presbyterian in April, 2016.This time, there is a fine complement of local talents to make this a memorable occasion: violinist Joel Bootsma, a member of the Belleville Symphony; tenor Fabian Arciniegas of Cobourg, member of the Canadian Opera Company chorus; Lorraine Ymker, accomplished pianist, Belleville; and combined choirs from Eastminster and Bridge St. United Churches, augmented by interested singers from Belleville and surrounding communities.
There will be no admission charge, but the freewill offering will be taken up for a local charity, to be named shortly. All proceeds, net of expenses, will be turned over to the charity.