Community Event - Niagara - Volunteer Tutor Training Workshop

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1537416000 1537502340

Learn how to become a volunteer tutor to help adults improve their literacy skills. 

Workshop will be held in October (four sessions) at the Niagara Learning Centre in St. Catharines. 

Register on Monday October 1st at 1:30 p.m. Call Gail 905-684-3500, ext. 550.


Niagara Learning Centre
285 Bunting Rd.
L2M 7T9
St. Catharines

Community Event - Cornwall - Patrons of St. Columban Foundation Concert

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1540144800 1540152000

The Patrons of St. Columban Foundation presents a fundraising concert on Sunday October 21 at 2 p.m. in St. Columban's Church featuring the St. Joseph's Catholic Secondary School Music Department. Tickets cost $12 and are available at the St. Columban's parish office during office hours, by calling Brian Lynch at 613-933-8353, and at the door on October 21.  Funds raised at the concert will be directed to pay for the major repair work on the church. 

St Columban's Church
36 Fourth St West
Cornwall, Ont

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - WSO - Drop-Off Zone this Weekend

Submitted by cdanby on
1537416000 1537502340

A Drop-Off Zone has been created on the South West corner of Pelissier St. and University Ave. W. next to the Capitol Theatre. 

The WSO is committed to making all WSO performances accessible to every patron and Windsor-Essex community member. September 23, Open Streets Windsor will close University Ave. W. in front of the Capitol Theatre. The WSO will provide a DROP-OFF SERVICE on the South West corner of Pelissier St. and University Ave. W. to ensure that patrons with accessible concerns can easily move from their vehicle to the Capitol Theatre. 

Golf Carts will be on hand with dedicated drivers stationed at the Drop-Off Zone beginning at 1pm, and will also be available after the performance. The area will be well marked with signage and an available space to pull off from traffic. 

The WSO performance of West Side Story: In Concert beings at 2:30pm. Expect delays in commute times to the Capitol Theatre. 

Community Event - Cornwall - Oktoberfest Dinner & Dance

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1539981000 1540004400

Royal Canadian Legion


Dinner & Dance

Friday, October 19, 2018

German Buffet served 4:30pm to 6:30pm

Menu: Oktoberfest Sausage, Schnitzel, Cabbage Rolls,

German Potato Salad,

Chef Salad, Bun, Dessert, Coffee, tea

Music by Edelweiss


Tickets $20 per person Available at Bar 415 Second St. West

Royal Canadian Legion
415 Second St W

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - West Side Story: In Concert

Submitted by cdanby on
1537416000 1537502340

Saturday, September 22nd, 8:00PM and Sunday, September 23rd, 2:30PM at the Capitol Theatre.

Tickets can be purchased online at, in person at the box office (121 University Ave. W), or on the phone by calling (519) 973 – 1238 ext. 2.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Peche Island Tours - Season Ends Soon!

Submitted by cdanby on
1537416000 1537502340

The inaugural season of the City operated Peche Island Boat Tour service will come to a close after the final runs Wednesday, October 3, 2018.

Tours began running in June each Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, thanks toWindsor City Council’s approval of the purchase of a small boat for ferrying of passengers to and from the island. The service was an effort to increase the availability of the natural and historical attraction for those without their own personal watercraft.

There are still a few weeks left to be a part of the inaugural season and the cost is $5 per seat (2 years old and under are free).

The first shuttle departs Lakeview Park Marina at 10:00 a.m. and continues every hour on the hour until the last departure from the marina at 2:00 p.m.

Passengers can return from the island on the half hour with the last shuttle returning from Peche Island at 3:30 p.m.

A maximum of 6 passengers can be on board each shuttle (excluding the captain).

No more than 12 passengers will be booked for each hourly departure time.

Anyone interested in a tour is advised to call 519-948-3383 to book their seat, but walk-ups are also welcome. Downloadable waivers and videos of Peche Island, including safety, island improvements, natural features and more can be found on the Peche Island page of the City of Windsor website.

Peche Island is an 86-acre island located on the Detroit River between Windsor and Detroit that was purchased by Hiram Walker in 1883. Walker used the island for a summer place, and his buildings included a stable, large home, greenhouse, and icehouse. The property was sold in 1907 and then the City of Windsor acquired the land from the Province of Ontario in 1999. It is now a naturalized park with walking trails.

Community Event - Niagara - Oktoberfest 2018

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1539981000 1540004400

Royal Canadian Legion


Dinner & Dance

Friday, October 19, 2018

German Buffet served 4:30pm to 6:30pm

Menu: Oktoberfest Sausage, Schnitzel, Cabbage Rolls,

German Potato Salad,

Chef Salad, Bun, Dessert, Coffee, tea

Music by Edelweiss


Tickets $20 per person Available at Bar 415 Second St. West

Royal Canadian Legion
415 Second St W