The inaugural season of the City operated Peche Island Boat Tour service will come to a close after the final runs Wednesday, October 3, 2018.
Tours began running in June each Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, thanks toWindsor City Council’s approval of the purchase of a small boat for ferrying of passengers to and from the island. The service was an effort to increase the availability of the natural and historical attraction for those without their own personal watercraft.
There are still a few weeks left to be a part of the inaugural season and the cost is $5 per seat (2 years old and under are free).
The first shuttle departs Lakeview Park Marina at 10:00 a.m. and continues every hour on the hour until the last departure from the marina at 2:00 p.m.
Passengers can return from the island on the half hour with the last shuttle returning from Peche Island at 3:30 p.m.
A maximum of 6 passengers can be on board each shuttle (excluding the captain).
No more than 12 passengers will be booked for each hourly departure time.
Anyone interested in a tour is advised to call 519-948-3383 to book their seat, but walk-ups are also welcome. Downloadable waivers and videos of Peche Island, including safety, island improvements, natural features and more can be found on the Peche Island page of the City of Windsor website.
Peche Island is an 86-acre island located on the Detroit River between Windsor and Detroit that was purchased by Hiram Walker in 1883. Walker used the island for a summer place, and his buildings included a stable, large home, greenhouse, and icehouse. The property was sold in 1907 and then the City of Windsor acquired the land from the Province of Ontario in 1999. It is now a naturalized park with walking trails.