Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Watermelon's exploding at Activity Haven, Oct 11
A watermelon based meal, with an exploding watermelon game to follow. Oct 11, 12 noon. $10.
A watermelon based meal, with an exploding watermelon game to follow. Oct 11, 12 noon. $10.
Friday, September 28 at 6 PM – 1 AM
Featuring an Italian Meal at 6:30 pm and easy listening and dancing to Twilight playing standards, light jazz, Latin and ballads with an Italian twist. Tickets $30 at the Davedi Club call 705.474.4190
A limited number of complimentary tickets to the dance only are available
Please join South Essex Community Council on Thursday, October 18th from 5:30-6:30pm in the ADP Room as we welcome Andy Berthiaume from the Alzheimer Society Windsor-Essex County for a talk about helping those living with Alzheimer's Disease or related dementia to live safely in the community.
For more information or to RSVP on this free community talk please contact Paige Frankfurth at (519) 326-8629 x.299 or
Au dernier Champs des Arts et nous serons chez la Ferme
l'Artisan le 29 septembre.
Produit par le Comité féminin Assemblée Évêque N.-A.-Labrie (1035) À vendre au coût de 20$. Quantité limitée à 400 exemplaires. Les profits sont remis à des organismes à but non lucratif. Pour infos et achat : Mme Christiane Laberge : 418-296-5771
*Les cloches jazzent* avec Alex Bay et Gaétan Pilon Église
St-Jean-Baptiste au profit de *Sauvons notre clocher*. Billet:
613-675-4497 ou 675-4472
La population des 50 ans et plus est invitée à la 11e édition du Salon FADOQ-RY qui se tiendra le 3 octobre prochain dès 9 h 30. Au programme : visite de plus de 60 exposants, conférences portant sur la maladie d’Alzheimer et les bienfaits de l’activité physique et présentation du nouveau programme de la FADOQ « Dans la peau d’un aîné ». Les ambulances St-Hyacinthe et les étudiants du Collège Ellis offriront gratuitement la formation « Héros en trente ». Tirages en fin de journée.
Le 3 octobre, c’est LE rendez-vous de l’automne à ne pas manquer!
September 29, Seniors Centre 56 Francis St. Kingston, 10-3 Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts offers you a day packed with "eye candy" for the textile artist. There is an exhibition of work of the Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts. A Merchants' Mall of vendors from across Eastern Ontario and Quebec--something for every textile artist! Vendors with beautifully 0finished merchandise. Mini workshops 10:30 Just for Kids; 11:30 Swedish Weaving; 12:30 Anyone Can Stitch; 1:30 Working with Linen. Door Prizes. and so much more. Admission $6. 00
Clues Lead To Murder At The Downtown Abbey by Lori Bingley
Wednesday, November 14th at 5:30 pm.
Tickets: 45$ on sale at the performance venue, Boston Pizza, 1234 Brookdale Ave.
September 29, Seniors Centre 56 Francis St. Kingston, 10-3 Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts offers you a day packed with "eye candy" for the textile artist. There is an exhibition of work of the Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts. A Merchants' Mall of vendors from across Eastern Ontario and Quebec--something for every textile artist! Vendors with beautifully finished merchandise. Mini workshops 10:30 Just for Kids; 11:30 Swedish Weaving; 12:30 Anyone Can Stitch; 1:30 Working with Linen. Door Prizes. and so much more. Admission $6.00