Public Notices/Announcements - Sarnia - Women of the Moose --Friday Night Supper
Friday JUNE 29, 2018 Picnic Supper served from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the MOOSE HOME, 874 Phillip Street, Sarnia
Friday JUNE 29, 2018 Picnic Supper served from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the MOOSE HOME, 874 Phillip Street, Sarnia
July First Friday: Look & See Exhibitions Revealed – Join us at the gallery tonight to welcome our newest exhibitions, Composing Suspense part of Look & See program, by artists Daisy Fresh and Laura Kreviazuk. Be sure to mark the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery on your First Friday map. The gallery is open late every First Friday until 9:00PM. Free, give what you can. Fun for the whole family.
Date: July 5, 2018
Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Name: Art & Ideas Lecture at the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery
Description: Crafting Homage with Donald Stuart – Join the JNAAG on Thursday, July 5 from 7-8:30PM for a free event with Donald Stuart. As one of Canada’s leading gold/silversmiths, Stuart has earned an international reputation for his work in jewellery, hollowware and architectural installations. During his celebrated career, he has received over 30 significant awards for his artistry in gold, silver, platinum, and diamonds, including the top prizes in many competitions. Stuart’s work is found in national, international, public, corporate, and private collections. Register by calling 519-336-8127 ext. 3226. Spaces are limited
Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery
147 Lochiel Street
Sarnia, Ontario
N7T 0B4
Phone: 519-336-8127
Date: July 4 – 6, 2018
Time: 12:00PM – 3:00PM
Name: Summer RAAW at the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery
Description: RAAW Metals with Donald Stuart – Random Acts of Art Workshop (RAAW) is a creative intensive workshop designed just for teens (ages 14-18). Led by practicing professional artists, RAAW is the perfect balance of instruction and experimentation. No experience necessary. Have you been dreaming about becoming a jewellery designer? Come and work with a professional and get a taste of what it takes. Jewellery artist Donald Stuart will be leading a three-day session to show you a variety of quick jewellery techniques that will have you creating something of your own and wearing it home. You will also have the chance to see an exhibition of his jewellery. Free, give what you can. Register by calling 519-336-8127 ext. 3226. Spaces limited. Bring your lunch and snacks.
Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery
147 Lochiel Street
Sarnia, Ontario
N7T 0B4
Phone: 519-336-8127
Simply put we love people and we love food.
People have been gathering over a meal since the beginning of time, a tradition we feel is worthy of continuing, because for us, there is seldom something better then good food and good company. All to often as we age we seem to let the dinner and lunch dates we kept with friends fall by the wayside, loosing site of all of the wonderful health and wellness benefits socialization and joy can bring to our lives - that is where we come in!
Community Cafe is a weekly lunch (every Tuesday at 12 noon) hosted by CCSH where seniors in our community are able to come and enjoy a delicious, affordable 3 course meal ($9.00 per person) while socializing with friends new and old. Enjoy menus created specifically with seniors health in mind and enjoy periodic entertainment and talks on a number of topics related to seniors health and wellness, including different programs and services available right here in our own community. At Community Cafe we welcome all to join us for an afternoon of friends, fun, and good food!
Want more information, or to book your seat? Give us a call today: 613-969-0130
Tuesdays July 3rd and July 17th from 6:30pm to 9pm at Lakeshore Optimist Park in Belle River. Bring family, friends, instruments and Canned Goods for the food bank if you are able. Come on out and enjoy the fun. Put on by the Essex /Kent Bluegrass, Old Time and Folk Music Association.
Join us for a fun-filled day at the newly renovated "Gateway" Casino in London,Ont, leaving from the Moose Lodge July 4th @ 8:30am, returning 5:30pm. For details, call Maryanne @ 519-995-2225.
Supper with strawberry shortcake for dessert - 6pm Friday June 29 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Smiths Falls. Menu includes cold meat, assorted salads, dessert, coffee / tea. Advance tickets only phone 613-283-2318 or 613-283-6987. Everyone is welcome.