On Tuesday, April 24, Kingston Poet Laureate Helen Humphreys will host readings by local poets Sandra Davies, Brenda Leifso and Nathalie Sorensen.
Poetry enthusiasts will remember Brenda Leifso's collections Daughters of Men (2008) and Barren the Fury (2015). Sandra Davies and Nathalie Sorensen have each contributed poems to the Library's online Poetry Blackboard at http://url.ie/1264z . Helen Humphreys has been Kingston’s Poet Laureate since January 2015. She was guest editor for The Best Canadian Poetry in English 2016 and her latest book, The Ghost Orchard, was published in 2017.
Kingston Frontenac Public Library acknowledges the support of the City of Kingston through the Poet Laureate program, which is increasing the profile of the literary arts in the Kingston area.
This event will take place at the Isabel Turner branch on Tuesday, April 24, at 7 p.m.